Rockstar is kicking off the new year in GTA Online with double rewards from Nightlife Leak Finale and Specialist+ Security Contracts, as well as offering other discounts.
Nightlife Leak Finale is part of The Contract DLC. In the mission, players will attempt to get back Dr. Dre’s stolen music during a party. Specialist+ Security contracts are the third tier of Security Contract missions and pay out the most. Players can access Security Contract missions through the Agency computer.
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For those more stylishly-inclined, two free t-shirts are available this week. After completing The Data Leaks’ intro, players will automatically receive an orange DJ Pooh Tee (scheduled to be delivered by January 21). And if players stop by and visit Record A Studios, they’ll get a free Rockstar Studio Colors Sweater.
In car news, the Pfister Comet S2 Cabrio has been added to the Legendary Motorsport inventory. This week’s Car Meet top prize is The Annis Euros, which is obtainable by placing in the top three across the different Pursuit Series modes. Cars available to test out on the Test Track are the Vapid Dominator ASP, Dinka RT3000, and Ubermacht Cypher. The shiny vehicle that will be this week’s Lucky Wheel top prize is the Coil Raiden, an electric sports car.
January’s returning modes are Every Bullet Counts, Hardest Target, Kill Quota, and Power Play. These will be available to play until February, where they’ll be replaced by another selection of modes. This week only, players who try out Power play will receive 3X Rewards.
Free Minigun50% off all Mk II Weapons Mods24% off Enus Deity50% off HVY Insurgent25% off TM-02 Khanjali40% off Rhino Tank40% off Anti-Aircraft Trailer30% off Overflod Imorgon40% off Pfister Neon
As always, GTA Online players who connect their Prime Gaming account to their Rockstar Games Social club account will get GTA$100K.