Halo Infinite Mega Construx Toy May Have Spoiled Future Stories

Spoilers for Halo Infinite below

Halo Infinite released last week, and Master Chief’s latest journey is surprisingly light on returning characters. Aside from the Chief himself, in fact, you’d be hard-pressed to find a non-flashback character we’ve seen in the series before its very last moments. However, some past characters, including Spartan Jameson Locke, are mentioned via audio logs, and the mystery surrounding his fate may have just been spoiled via a Mega Construx toy. Yes, really.

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If you haven’t found the audio log discussing Jameson Locke yet, the gist is that a Banished Brute warrior named Hyperius has acquired his chest piece and helmet. Based on how the audio log is portrayed, you’re led to believe Hyperius or another Banished warrior killed Locke. But not so fast!

Releasing in 2022, according to the Mega Construx site, this Agent Locke figure is “designed as he appears in Halo Infinite,” which just so happens to be without his Mjolnir chest armor or helmet. As you can see on the official site, he’s also very much alive.

A few other characters we don’t actually see in the game are also listed on the Mega Construx site, but proceed at your own risk if you want to avoid any more spoilers. Alongside the Halo Infinite sets, the brand also made an Arbiter’s Quest set based on the famous heretic-assassinating mission from Halo 2.

Halo Infinite is now available for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox Cloud Gaming, and PC. Microsoft and 343 plan on making this the platform for Halo for the foreseeable future, so it’s very possible more story content will be added later.

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About Gabe Gurwin

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