Constantine 2 Producer Explains Why The Character Still Resonates With Fans

John Constantine was a C-tier DC Comics for years, even though his comic book series became one of the company’s longest-running titles, ending after 300 issues. The Keanu Reeves 2005 vehicle reimagined John as an American with a different look, but the character remained intact. The film also includes other arcane characters from DC like Papa Midnite and maybe the best portrayal of the Devil by Peter Stormare.

Almost 20 later, even though fans think it’s not a perfect adaptation, the film has collected a cult following and is finally getting a sequel. While details are still loose about any sort of plot, and Keanu returning, producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura has an idea of why this movie remains popular. While speaking to GameSpot at San Diego Comic-Con about his next film, Transformers One, the conversation turned to why Constantine still clicks.

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“I think Constantine as a character is why people care,” he told GameSpot at Comic-Con. “And Keanu was the perfect fit. So I think that mythology, you know, it has a bit of a tongue-in-cheek sort of cynicism that’s really fun. And we don’t really do it that often in movies, so I think it’s one of the reasons why it really stood out, because it has a different attitude. Sure, it has an adventure and extraordinary things happen, like a lot of big movies, but it has a disaffected hero. I and we play with that concept.”

After Reeves’ quick time as the character, which also spawned a video game and small deluxe toyline, John was recast with Matt Ryan for a TV show. Ryan would also voice the character in animated series and movies as well, and reprised the role on DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.

About Lan Pitts

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