Fortnite Nick Fury Skin Brings The Avengers Recruiter To Battle Royale

Fortnite has added Nick Fury this holiday, bringing yet another Marvel hero to battle royale as part of Epic’s years-long agreement with the company to sprinkle in new heroes routinely. The burgeoning metaverse has already seen most of the Avengers arrive, and now their S.H.I.E.L.D. recruiter has dropped in as well. Here’s everything that comes in the Fortnite Nick Fury set.

Fortnite Nick Fury skin

Nick Fury comes alongside a full set of cosmetics. Bundled with the character no matter what is his F.I.E.L.D. back bling, while an additional pickaxe and glider are available as well. If you buy the Nick Fury bundle, you’ll also get an exclusive loading screen that features Fury’s famous VTOL. By name, the Nick Fury bundle includes:

Nick Fury skinF.I.E.L.D. Pack back blingDirector’s Scythe pickaxeFirst Strike Infiltration gliderQuinjets In Flight loading screen

Like most of Fortnite’s Marvel skins, the hero is modeled loosely on his MCU counterpart, but it’s not meant to be Samuel L. Jackson. Instead, Fury is the latest Marvel character to bring an original look to the game, always familiar but rarely identical, which allows Epic to establish its own canon in the Fortnite world.

After all, every character that comes to the game is an official part of the canon, so yeah, in the grand Fortnite universe, Iron Man, Naruto, and Ariana Grande all know each other. They maybe even sling back pancakes at the Butter Barn on occasion.

Nick Fury will likely be in the Item Shop for a few days, though Epic doesn’t tend to say when its characters will cycle out, so jump on him soon if you want him, or wait til he rotates back in weeks or months later.

In case you missed it, Fortnite Chapter 2 is coming to an end–or rather, The End.

About Mark Delaney

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