Battlefield 2042 developer DICE has been regularly updating the military shooter since its early access launch, and the latest changes to the futuristic game are now live. The updates include changes to the Breakthrough mode, the temporary removal of an item, and the restoration of another.
For Breakthrough, the mode now gives teams a higher starting ticket number, from 400 to 600. Additionally, the number of tickets gained by attackers claiming a sector is increased to 300. For the PS4 and Xbox One versions of Battlefield 2042, which support 64 players only, the number of starting tickets per side has been raised to 300, while the number of tickets gained by attackers is increased to 150.
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Another major update to Battlefield 2042 is that Dozer’s SOB-8 Ballistic Shield is back in the game, after DICE removed it temporarily to make adjustments. It’s live in the game now across all servers. For Battlefield Portal players running custom games, they may need to re-launch to see the change.
While Dozer’s shield is back, the Prox Sensor throwable item has been temporarily removed to help improve server performance. The game’s servers have been struggling with rubber-banding issues, specifically. DICE says the removal of the Prox Sensor is already showing that it has improved server performance, though of course it’s not ideal and is only a temporary solution for now.
Battlefield 2042 launched with early access and with its 10-hour EA Play trial on November 12. The game’s servers struggled with rubber-banding and “persistence data” errors, but the experience is generally smoother now ahead of its official release date on November 19.
The game has a new competitor in the FPS space, as Microsoft just surprise-launched Halo Infinite’s multiplayer through a beta.
For more, check out GameSpot’s Battlefield 2042 review in progress.
Best Battlefield Games, Ranked: Where Does Battlefield 2042 Place?See More