Battlefield 2042 Is Crashing On Xbox Series X Consoles, Fix Is Coming

Battlefield 2042 is running into some issues on Xbox Series X, with players reporting that the game completely crashes their console in some scenarios. Developer DICE has confirmed that this is a system-level problem on Microsoft’s side that is also affecting games like FIFA, Madden, and NBA 2K.

DICE will release an update on November 17 to resolve the crashing issues, the studio said in a blog post (via Battlefield Bulletin). The update is optional until November 23, when it becomes mandatory.

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Players experiencing the issue don’t have to wait that long to get the update, however. Everyone can join the Xbox Insider Program (sign up here) and opt in to the Omega Ring. From there, the update should be made available to help improve the experience.

Battlefield 2042 launched with early access and with its 10-hour EA Play trial on November 12. The game’s servers struggled with rubber-banding and “persistence data” errors, but the experience is generally smoother now ahead of its official release date on November 19.

It might not be the only new shooter around for much longer, either, as rumors suggest that Halo Infinite’s multiplayer will be released today, November 15, to celebrate Xbox’s 20th anniversary.

For more, check out GameSpot’s Battlefield 2042 review in progress.

Best Battlefield Games, Ranked: Where Does Battlefield 2042 Place?See More

About Eddie Makuch

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