Skyrim Boss Todd Howard Got Trolled Hard By His Son About Elder Scrolls 6

Bethesda boss Todd Howard held an AMA on Reddit today where he spoke about a great many subjects, including Starfield, the Fallout TV show, and how his own son trolled him about The Elder Scrolls VI. The full AMA is well worth a look, and we’re breaking out some key takeaways from what he said here.

For the Fallout TV show, Howard said it is “moving ahead” at Amazon. He said he is “really excited” to be working on it alongside Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy, but he didn’t have anything else to share.

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Howard also discussed Fallout 76, the online multiplayer game that struggled at launch but has since become a success. Howard admitted that, “We let people down.” But he added that the studio was able to learn from its missteps, and today, Fallout 76 is one of Bethesda’s most popular games over all, and it has an audience of 11 million players. “It’s made us much better developers in the end,” he said.

In another message, Howard said Bethesda plans to showcase Starfield at some point in Summer 2022, which would make E3 2022 a likely candidate. He was asked if Starfield will raise the bar in the RPG space like Skyrim did years ago. “We prefer to just show it, which should be next summer. We’re happy with the advancements we’ve been able to make, some of which you can see in the trailer shot in-game,” Howard explained.

Another one of Bethesda’s anticipated upcoming games is The Elder Scrolls VI. Howard said he understands people want to know more, and this includes his own son. “We know it’s a long wait, we’re with you. For Father’s Day this year my son gave me a card that said, ‘You’re an amazing Dad, but where’s TES6?,'” Howard said.

In other news, Howard recently discussed his involvement in the new Indiana Jones game, revealed that he has ideas for Fallout 5 and briefly discussed The Elder Scrolls 6.

Bethesda’s next big release is Skyrim Anniversary Edition, which launches on the game’s 10th anniversary, November 11.

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