Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are remakes of the gen-4 games from 2006, Diamond and Pearl. But they’re also modernized remakes releasing on Switch, and Nintendo has found a cheeky way to pay homage to the series’ long history across its handheld hardware.
As shown in a tweet from the Nintendo of America account, you can summon legendary Pokemon by inserting special slates into pedestals at Ramanas Park. And in a nod to the series’ history, those slates look like classic Nintendo cartridges. The artwork shows slates modeled after Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance carts. Those correspond with gen-1 (Blue/Red), gen-2 (Gold/Silver), and gen-3 (Ruby/Sapphire), respectively.
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Ramanas Park is one of the features that will be added with a day-one patch. Other features include communication support for the Grand Underground, Super Contest Show, and Union Room, along with the Mystery Gift functionality. Nintendo has also teased that a future update will increase the number of players who can be in the Union Room simultaneously.
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are releasing on November 19, but some fans got their hands on it early and have been leaking info about what’s been changed from the classic Diamond and Pearl. That doesn’t include features like Ramanas Park that are coming via a patch, but be sure to tread lightly around Pokemon fan communities for the next week or so if you want to be surprised by the remakes.
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