Call of Duty Mobile brings battle royale to your mobile device, and this mode works just how you’d expect. You drop onto the map with 99 other players, and you must scavenge for loot and try to survive against opponents, while avoiding the collapse of gas as the safe area shrinks on the map. The last player or squad standing wins the match.
Battle Royale Match Preferences
Call of Duty Mobile’s battle royale mode lets you pick between FPP (First-Person Perspective) and TPP (Third-Person Perspective). This is your preference of whether you prefer to play battle royale in first or third-person, and you can change your choice between matches. TTP/FPP players are split in-game by their preferred camera type.
Next, you can pick your preferred squad size for the match. You can play battle royale in a solo queue, duos, or squads of four.
Battle Royale Maps
The main map for battle royale is Isolated, which features new locations and various map settings that are recognizable from both the Modern Warfare and Black Ops series. Additionally, Season 8 added the Blackout map from Black Ops 4’s battle royale mode. Both maps are available to choose at this time.
How To Heal
Previously, Call of Duty Mobile used manual healing via bandages and med kit items just like Black Ops 4’s battle royale system. However, the healing system was updated in Call of Duty Mobile’s Season 8 update. You no longer scavenge medical items to heal. Health will now auto-regenerate just like healing in Call of Duty: Warzone. You simply need to take cover in gunfights if you’re looking to heal before re-challenging a fight.
Armor System
Additionally, you can beef up your operator with armor plates. Armor plate health does not regenerate like standard health. You must scavenge armor plates to refill the armor meter. Call of Duty Mobile’s armor system comes with three levels of protection: Armor Repair provides 50 points of armor, Advanced Armor Repair will give you a full 150 points of armor, and Kinetic Armor Overcharger is a rare armor type that fills the full standard 150 points of armor, plus adds a bonus 50 points for a total of 200 armor points.
Revive And Redeploy
When you’re playing battle royale in duos and squads, losing a gunfight doesn’t always mean permanent death. If you get put in the “knocked” state, a teammate can simply pick you back up by interacting with your body. Enemies can still deal damage to you in this downed state; take enough and you’ll die and need to be redeployed, so make sure to crawl to cover when in the knocked state.
To revive a fallen teammate you must grab their blue dog tags, which will be found where they died. Once you have the tags, click the “Revive” option next to the teammate’s name. This will revive your dead teammate, and they’ll redeploy on the next revival flight. Revival flights are planes that periodically arrive and redeploy teammates. You’ll hear the announcer alert you each time an arrival flight is incoming.
Custom Weapon Loadouts
Custom loadouts were not available when Call of Duty Mobile launched in 2019, but the custom loadout option was added in 2021 with the Gunsmith feature. Just like the multiplayer Gunsmith feature, you can pick the weapons and attachments of your choice for a custom loadout. Battle royale mode’s menu gives you five slots for custom loadouts.
You still start your battle royale matches by scavenging for ground loot, but your custom loadouts can be obtained from randomly dropped airdrops in your match. This can be collected by you and any squad members. The game’s announcer will let you know when the airdrops are arriving, and you can see where it lands via red smoke on the map. Claiming an airdrop will allow you to select one of your custom loadouts made in the battle royale Gunsmith. Here’s our guide on how to access and use the Gunsmith.
Battle Royale Classes
At the start of each match, battle royale mode lets you pick one of 15 unique classes to use in the game. Each class offers a special perk that comes with an active and passive ability to use on the field. Many of the best classes are available to you without any additional requirements, but some of the classes that were added in later seasons are locked and must be purchased. But don’t worry: This doesn’t cost real cash to unlock. Credits is Call of Duty Mobile’s unique currency system, which is a separate currency from the COD Points you can buy across all Call of Duty games. Credits are earned by playing the game and completing challenges, or through daily login bonuses and events. It takes a while to earn enough points to buy them all, but eventually you will have played enough to buy some classes.
There are so many classes to choose from, but some options are more beneficial than others. All of the current classes are listed below, but here are our recommendations for best classes, which should help you pick a strong choice to match your playstyle.
Active ability: Sensor Dart – Shoot a dart that can see hostile positions on the mini-map.
Passive ability: Tracker – Show enemy footprints for several seconds.
Active ability: Toy Bomb – Summon dogs that attack only units near them.
Passive ability: Canine Obliterator – Reduces the distance a dog can track you to 15 meters.
Active ability: Medical Station – Place a medical station that heals you and allies continuously.
Passive ability: Medic – Reduces time required for healing and bringing back knocked down teammates by 25%.
Active ability: Grapple Hook – Shoot a grapple hook that pulls you to the target.
Passive ability: Dead Silence – Grants silent movement when 12 meters away from the enemy.
Active ability: Transform Shield – Place a transforming shield that causes a flashbang effect on surrounding hostiles.
Passive ability: Reinforced – Reduces all damage except gunfire by 25%.
Active ability: EMP Drone – Call an EMP drone that does continuous EMP interference to hostiles.
Passive ability: Engineer – Grants augmented sight, making vehicles, hostile traps and equipment visible within 80 meters.
Active ability: Psychosis – Use two holographic decoys and a major speed boost to confuse your enemies.
Passive ability: Alert – Hear an enemy’s footsteps easier with a wider range of hearing.
Active ability: Ejection Device – Deploy a catapult that ejects your team into the air and triggers wingsuit gliding.
Passive ability: Lightweight – Reduces descent speed while using the wingsuit.
Trap Master
Active ability: Electric Trip Wire – Routes a high-voltage current line. Enemies passing through will take damage and movement speed will decrease.
Passive ability: Territorial Effect – Increases the movement speed and skill recharge of nearby allies.
Active ability: Active Camo – Become near-invisible for a short duration.
Passive ability: Voidwalker – Increases running and walking speed in a stealth state.
Smoke Bomber
Active ability: Cluster Smoke Grenade – Generates smoke to a target area that slows down enemies.
Passive ability: Smoke Perspective – Release plume of smoke that makes all enemies visible within. Damage taken increases running speed.
Active ability: Ice Pick – Black out the mini-maps of all nearby enemies and prevent them from using gadgets.
Passive ability: Hard Wired – The radar in mini-map will not be blocked by interference or detectable by the enemy.
Active ability: Armor Pack – Place armor packs that can be picked up by yourself and teammates. Each layer can reduce bullet damage, excluding the head.
Passive ability: Greaser – Slowly repairs and increases the durability limit of your armor and vehicle.
Active ability: Shield Turret – Place a shielded turret that offers limitless ammo for its entire duration.
Passive ability: Last Stand – Fight for your life with a pistol when downed. Making a kill in this state revives you.
Active ability: Cluster Strike – Launch a cluster air strike to a designated area.
Passive ability: Fly Swatter – Slows nearby winged enemies and increases reload speed of a rocket launcher.
Now that you have the basics for battle royale, check out some additional tips and tricks to help you survive. If you’re looking to play Season 9’s limited-time Zombies mode, here are tips to survive in Undead Siege.