PUBG Developer Krafton Acquires Subnautica Dev Unknown Worlds

Krafton has announced that is has acquired the studio, Unknown Worlds. The studio is behind for Subnautica and its follow-up, Subnautica: Below Zero. Krafton is best known for PUBG as well as the upcoming The Callisto Protocol.

“Unknown Worlds are incredibly skilled and passionate developers with an unparalleled gift for creativity and a proven track record of building successful player-driven worlds,” wrote CH Kim, CEO of Krafton in a statement. “Krafton will spare no effort in helping them. Not only do they enhance our development capabilities, but we share a goal of creating unique experiences for global audiences.”

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Unknown Worlds will continue to operate independently while under Krafton. Both Subnautica and Subnautica: Below Zero will continue to receive updates. Additionally, Unknown Worlds is currently working a new project that is slated to launch into early access sometime in early 2022.

“It was immediately apparent how closely Unknown Worlds and Krafton are aligned in the way we think about games and game development,” wrote Unknown World CEO Charlie Cleveland in a statement. “Subnautica and PUBG both started humbly and evolved successfully through constant iteration and feedback. We want to bring new games to the world stage – and with Krafton, we’re a big step closer. We’re truly looking forward to our future together.”

Unknown Worlds released Subnautica: Below Zero earlier this year in May after it had been in early access since 2019. Krafton’s Callisto Protcol, lead by Striking Distance Studios, is slated to launch in 2022.

About George Yang

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