Tom Holland will star in the long-awaited Uncharted movie from Zombieland director Ruben Fleischer, and now the first trailer has arrived following a leak.
“In discussions with the film’s director, Ruben Fleischer, he shared that he ‘made the movie for both hardcore fans of the game and those who are not yet familiar with the franchise and believe that both will be equally entertained by this incredibly fun and action-packed film,'” Naughty Dog said in a blog post. Like the games, the Uncharted movie seems to be packed with action and one-liners. Check out the first official trailer below.
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Now Playing: Uncharted Official Reveal Trailer
The Uncharted movie, which also stars Antonio Banderas and Mark Wahlberg, releases in theaters in February 2022. It’s been a very long time coming, as Sony has been working on the film for a decade, with numerous different writers, directors, and actors coming aboard and dropping out over the years.
As for Tom Holland, he’ll be seen next in this December’s Spider-Man: No Way Home.
In terms of the game franchise, the next release is Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection, which is coming to PlayStation 5 and PC in 2022. It includes updated versions of Uncharted 4 and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy.