Call of Duty Mobile‘s battle royale lets you drop into on to the map with one of many available classes, which are unique specializations designed to give you a perk during your matches. There are currently 15 classes to choose from, with two more classes set to come in a future update. Our guide will help you choose from the best classes in Call of Duty Mobile, so you can find one that fits your playstyle.
How To Unlock Additional Battle Royale Classes
Many of the best classes are available to you without any additional requirements, but some of the classes that were added in later seasons are locked and must be purchased. But don’t worry: This doesn’t mean you have to shell out real cash. Credits is Call of Duty Mobile’s unique currency system, which is a separate currency from the COD Points you can buy across all Call of Duty games. Credits are earned simply by playing the game and completing challenges, or through daily login bonuses and events. These points are a grind, but unless you blow them on cosmetic items in the store, it shouldn’t take you long to earn enough to buy some classes.
Ninja’s Active ability is the grapple hook. This works just like grapple equipment in other Call of Duty games. You just aim and shoot the grapple, and it will pull you towards your target. The passive ability is Dead Silence, which grants you silent movement when 12 meters away from the enemy.
Ninja is definitely one of the top-tier classes in battle royale. The extra mobility from the grapple paired with the nearly silent footsteps makes it perfect for solo players or anyone with an aggressive playstyle.
Scout’s active ability is the Sensor Dart, which you can shoot in order to see hostile positions on the radar. This equipment is paired with Tracker, which is a perk that lets you see enemy footsteps for several seconds.
The Scout class can be great for playing in trios or quads. You can provide your teammates with really useful intel with the enemy positioning and highlighted footsteps. Knowing how many enemies are nearby lets you better decide if you want to push a team or back off. It’s also great for you or a teammate to equip if your team’s playstyle is aggressive.
Poltergeist’s active ability is Active Camo, which is an ability that allows you to become near-invisible for a short duration. Voidwalker is Poltergeist’s passive ability, which will increase your running and walking speed while using Active Camo.
There are many useful benefits to using Poltergeist. Active Camo and Voidwalker can give you the ability to flank your enemy for a sneak attack, reposition yourself in a better spot for a gunfight, flee from a bad fight, or even use the time to grab a dead teammate’s dog tags.
Unfortunately, Poltergeist isn’t automatically available to you from the start. The class is locked and must be purchased from the in-game store. This costs 2,000 Credits to acquire.
Trap Master
Trap Master’s active ability lets you place electric trip wires on the map. Enemies who pass through the traps will take damage and have reduced movement speed. The passive ability is Territorial Effect, which is an ability that increases movement speed and skill recharge speed of nearby allies.
Trap Master can serve as a great defense while doing your initial looting gear. It can also be good if your playstyle is slow and tactical, and you plan on posting up and waiting for enemies. However, this is another class that isn’t initially unlocked for you. You’ll need to purchase this in the shop for 2,000 Credits.
(This class name no longer fits the skill, as Clown was previously used to describe a toy robot equipment piece that would attract zombies and eventually explode. This could be tossed at enemies to lure zombies to them. This class has since been revamped to use attack dogs instead of an explosive decoy for zombies.)
In its current class version, Clown’s active ability lets you summon dogs that will attack any nearby enemies. And the passive ability is the Canine Obliterator, which reduces the distance a dog can track you to 15 meters.
I think the active ability of having attack dogs is a great defense if you like to land at Hot Drops, and it can also serve as an offensive play when you know there are enemies nearby. Unfortunately, this is one of the passive abilities that seems less viable. It’s only useful if your opponents are also running the Clown class.
Trickster’s active ability is Psychosis, and this allows you to use two holographic decoys and a major speed boost to confuse your enemies. The passive ability is Alert, which allows you to hear an enemy’s footsteps with a wide range of hearing.
The decoys and speed boost can be used both offensively and defensively. You can confuse enemies mid-fight to give you an advantage, bait them out of hiding, or use the distraction to flee a bad situation. This is a class that could work well whether you play solo or team up for duos, trios, or quads.
Defender’s active ability provides you with a Transform Shield. This is a deployable shield that causes a flashbang effect on any surrounding enemies. Reinforced is the passive ability and will reduce all damage except gunfire by 25%.
This can be a solid pick for your class whether solo or teamed up. This not only serves to temporarily hinder your opponent’s vision, but you also have extra cover. Additionally, the Reinforced ability will be great to have, as it helps you take less damage from things like melee attacks and grenades.
If you’re looking to build some strong weapon loadouts, we have a guide for Call of Duty Mobile’s Gunsmith feature to help get you started with weapon customization.