CoD: Black Ops Cold War Patch Notes Detail Wonder Weapon Buffs

As Season 6 continues for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, Treyarch has detailed the patch notes for an October 13 update that brings gameplay improvements and fixes for both multiplayer and Zombies. Zombies mode’s D.I.E. Shockwave Wonder Weapon receives some pretty significant buffs as well.


The multiplayer changes are a bit light, but the patch notes do address an issue related to Season 6’s new Grav assault rifle attachment unlock levels.

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The patch notes state that Season 6’s “Fuze” operator was added in the in-game shop as a purchasable Warsaw Pact operator, but the bundle is not showing in the store at this time. Fuze is the operator who can be seen working to defuse explosive for Stitch in the season’s cinematic intro.


This update brings some improvements to Forsaken’s main Easter egg quest. The orange crystals needed during the escort section of the quest will now respawn to prevent a possible progression break. The patch notes mention a fix for a rare issue that could cause the dragon to freeze during the Der Eisendrache pinball minigame on Forsaken. A few issues were also addressed with the map’s special Abomination enemy type that could occasionally cause sound glitches or knock players out of bounds.

The D.I.E. Shockwave Wonder Weapon received a few buffs to make it more viable. The D.I.E. Shockwave now receives a percentage of its max ammo capacity when an enemy is absorbed, as opposed to a fixed amount. Treyarch says this was done to make higher ammo capacity versions more viable. D.I.E. melee damage was also increased from 145 to 160. The Pack-a-Punched version of the D.I.E. Shockwave Wonder Weapon will now vacuum up to 3 enemies at a time at slightly increased damage.

The D.I.E. Shockwave wasn’t the only Wonder Weapon to receive love in this update. Additionally, Zombies RAI K-84 Wonder Weapon received a buff with its Vortex explosion damage being increased by 100%.

The full patch notes can be seen below, as shared by Treyarch.

These Zombies updates come as Vanguard’s Zombies is set to get a worldwide reveal on October 14 at 8 AM PT / 11 AM ET / 4 PM BST.

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Prestige Shop

Added Prestige Icons for Prestige 13-15 from Black Ops.Added Prestige Icons for Prestige 13-14 and Grand Master Prestige from Advanced Warfare.



GravAddressed an issue related to Grav attachment unlock levels.



Main QuestCrystals will now respawn during the escort section of the Main Quest to prevent a possible progression break.GameplayAddressed a rare issue that could cause the dragon to freeze during the Der Eisendrache pinball minigame.LocalEnabled “Forsaken” in Local play.

Wonder Weapons

D.I.E.Base VersionsD.I.E. now receives a percentage of its max ammo capacity when an enemy is absorbed, as opposed to a fixed amount. This makes higher ammo capacity versions more viable, such as the D.I.E. Electrobolt.D.I.E. melee damage increased from 145 to 160.D.I.E. ElectroboltD.I.E. Electrobolt increases movement speed while firing from 75% to 100% of base.D.I.E. Electrobolt now consumes more ammo for level 2 and 3 energy beams (increases the longer the trigger is held).Pack-a-Punched Version (D.E.A.D.)D.E.A.D. vacuums up to 3 enemies at a time at slightly increased damage (as a percentage of the enemy’s max health).D.E.A.D. Glacialator increases movement speed while firing to 90% of base (vs. 75% for the Cryo-Emitter).D.E.A.D. Joltsurge increases movement speed while firing to 125% of base (vs. 100% from the Electrobolt).RAI K-84Vortex explosion damage increased by 100%.


ZombiesAddressed an issue that sometimes caused incorrect zombie pathing in the Main Street space.AbominationAdded stability fixes related to the Abomination.Addressed an issue that allowed the Abomination to push players out of the playable area.Addressed an issue that caused the Abomination beam attack sound to be heard after the attack ended.TempestsAddressed a rare issue that could cause Tempests to follow players into the Observation Tower space.


PhD SliderAddressed an issue that could cause the player to take explosive damage when fully cooking a grenade with PhD Slider Tier III or higher equipped.

Onslaught (PlayStation®)

Plaguehounds have been capped to 15 per Surge. Chance to spawn has been lowered from 10% to 5%.

About S.E. Doster

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