How To Save In Far Cry 6

Like most modern console games, Far Cry 6 uses an auto-save system to keep track of your progress. It’s a tried and true system that will keep track of your progress, but there are times when you’ll exit a session, return, and find yourself right back at the beginning of a mission or a military target takeover. A system that works until it decides that it doesn’t want to, the save setup is one that could be fixed with a manual save option.

The bad news here is that Far Cry 6 doesn’t have that option on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5. You could be capturing an FND checkpoint one day, quit the game, and find that you have to do it all over again when you log back in if you don’t ensure the game autosaves

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Thankfully there is a way to get around this with a guranteed autosave, by fast-traveling to a safe zone on the map. Simply initiate fast-travel to a Libertad-controlled location or one of your rebel hideouts, and Far Cry 6 will save your progress as you spawn in. You’ll see the telltale save icon in the top right corner when this happens, so keep an eye open for that as extra insurance.

For more on Ubisoft’s latest sandbox, you can check out our Far Cry 6 review, as well as our beginners guide, every USB drive location, where to find every fighting rooster, every unique weapon in the game, and how to solve the puzzles in every treasure hunt.

About Darryn Bonthuys

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