How Long To Beat Kena: Bridge Of Spirits?

Kena: Bridge of Spirits is the PlayStation’s latest console-exclusive action-adventure title, and much like Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart before it, the game is rather linear. The game will take players from place to place, pitting them against puzzles that can be solved with the help of adorable sprites called Rot, and they’ll also face off against vicious enemies. It’s the standard fare for a game like this, and players shouldn’t expect especially difficult segments or confounding puzzles to get in their way.

Of course, not everyone will traverse the forests and other various vistas of Kena: Bridge of Spirits at the same pace, especially if they find themselves looking to leave no stone unturned. Kena has a suite of collectibles to hunt down, all of which require a bit more exploration and attention from players.

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All that being said, Kena: Bridge of Spirits won’t demand the player’s time like some other titles. It’s a linear action-adventure game through and through, so completing the game really depends on how much of it they’re comfortable with actually finishing.

How Long To Beat Kena: Bridge Of Spirits?

Critical Path

Once again, Kena: Bridge of Spirits is an action-adventure game, and that means it’s not going to take too long for players to beat. That’s doubly so if someone is just trying to make their way through the game’s main storyline and shelve it immediately after the credits roll.

According to Phil Hornshaw, who reviewed Kena: Bridge of Spirits for GameSpot, reaching the game’s credits will take around 12 hours. Once again, that’s not an excessive amount of time to spend on a single-player game, especially one that was developed by an indie studio. Of course, that time can fluctuate depending on what difficulty someone plays on, but it shouldn’t stretch much longer than half a day.

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Completionist Path

Players who are really trying to get their money’s worth out of Kena: Bridge of Spirits won’t actually end up spending much more time in the game than those who just want to reach the credits. While Kena has some buffers that can keep players playing, like collectibles, extra puzzles, and exploration, they don’t amount to much.

Completing all of Kena: Bridge of Spirits’ story and collecting every collectible along the way will take players around 15 hours of playtime. Again, that’s not a lot of time to spend in the game, but it hinges on what difficulty players decide to tackle the game on. Naturally, earning all the game’s trophies will also tack on some extra time, but the game won’t take long to beat, even for completionists.

If you’re just getting into Kena: Bridge of Spirits and need some extra help getting along, we have a guide highlighting some of Kena Bridge of Spirits’ tips and tricks for mastering the game. And if you’re on the fence about picking the game up, check out our Kena: Bridge of Spirits review, where Hornshaw called the game “an exciting, often heartbreaking journey that will make you want to explore every corner and crevice to see all that you can.”

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