Pokemon Unite Defender Guide: Move Lists, Stats, And Strategies For All Defender Type Pokemon

While the flashier moments in Pokemon Unite focus on other classes, the Defenders are an important part of a team’s makeup. Having a lot of attack-minded Pokemon is fine, but if no one is bringing up the rear to make sure your team’s goals are being protected, the opponents will score at will and all of that attack power will go to waste. Each of these Defenders can fill that role, so check them out and see which one is best for you.


Blastoise is a sturdy rock of a Pokemon that relies on its durable shell to succeed in Pokemon Unite. The adjusted mechanics after using Rapid Spin gives you more options for attack than most Pokemon, while moves like Hydro Pump or Water Gun can help manipulate the playing field in your favor. Too many enemies crowding your position? Hydro Pump them away and gain some space to breathe. Blastoise is a great option for any defender slot, so give it a chance if you’re looking for something different.

Role: Defender

Style: Ranged

Difficulty: Intermediate


Offense – 4Endurance – 7Mobility – 4Scoring – 4Support – 6

Evolution levels: Squirtle Start | Wartortle at Lvl. 5 | Blastoise at Lvl. 9

Special Moves

Water Gun – A stream of water shoves opponents and decreases movement speed. Cooldown is 9 seconds. Upgrades at Lvl. 5 to one of the following: Water Spout – A steady stream of water damages opponents and decreases their movement speed. 9 second cooldown. At Lvl. 11 the move’s damage is increased.Hydro Pump – A massive blast of water damages and shoves opponents back. 11 second cooldown. At Lvl. 8.5 the move’s damage is increased.Skull Bash – Rams an opponent with its head, stunning it after dealing damage. Cooldown is 10 seconds. Upgrades at Lvl. 7 to one of the following: Rapid Spin – Blastoise spins rapidly, changing the properties of basic attacks and Hydro Pump/Water Spout. 11 second cooldown. At Lvl. 13 Blastoise’s damage is reduced while using this move.Surf – Charges forward on a wave, dealing damage and stunning opponents. Blastoise becomes immune to hindrances while the move is in use, and it can jump in one direction when the move ends. 12 second cooldown. At Lvl. 13 Blastoise also gains a shield.Passive Skill: Torrent – Attack and special attack are increased when Blastoise is 50% damaged.

Unite Move: Hydro Typhoon – Blastoise spins while shooting a blast of water, shoving every opponent it contacts. Grants Blastoise a shield after use.


Crustle may be a Defender, but it’s the most offensive-minded of the three. It has plenty of tools to help support the team in defense, creating barricades with Rock Tomb and throwing Stealth Rock into a group of opponents to slowly inflict damage. However, should Crustle be defending a goal against one or two opponents, Shell Smash converts some of its high Defense into attack power, turning it into a wrecking ball. Some well-placed X-Scissor attacks while Shell Smash is active can decimate a lot of the other Pokemon on the field, so use that combo liberally when the time comes. Crustle is a sneakily attack-savvy Defender that can turn a battle around with one smash of its shell.

Role: Defender

Style: Melee

Difficulty: Novice


Offense – 3Endurance – 8Mobility – 3Scoring – 4Support – 6

Evolution levels: Dwebble Start | Crustle at Lvl. 4

Special Moves

Rock Slide – Drops rocks on a targeted area, dealing area-of-effect damage to opponents and stunning them. Cooldown is 6 seconds. Upgrades at Lvl. 4 to one of the following: Rock Tomb – Opens the ground and creates a barricade of rock. Second use destroys the barricade. 5 second cooldown. At Lvl. 11 the opponent’s movement speed is decreased on hit.Shell Smash – Crustle smashes its own shell, temporarily converting some Defense and Special Defense for Attack and Special Attack and increasing speed. 7 second cooldown. At Lvl. 11 the amount of Defense and Special Defense converted increases.Fury Cutter – A quick slash with its claws. Consecutive hits on the same Pokemon with this move increases the damage dealt. Cooldown is 3.5 seconds. Upgrades at Lvl. 8 to one of the following: Stealth Rock – A group of small rocks is thrown. After contact is made with an opponent or the maximum distance is traveled, covers an area with rocks that deals slowly increasing area-of-effect damage over time. 8 second cooldown. At Lvl. 13 the move’s duration is increased and any damaged opponent’s movement speed is decreased.X-Scissor – Dashes forward with a crossed claw attack, damaging and knocking back opponents. The damaged opponent is stunned if it hits an obstacle while being knocked back. 8 second cooldown. At Lvl. 13 the move’s cooldown is reduced.Passive Skill: Sturdy – Defense and Special Defense increase as HP decreases.Unite Move: Rubble Rouser – An explosion of rocks creates a shield around it, dealing damage to nearby opponents over time. More explosions appear if Crustle takes damage while the move is active


As its name indicates, choosing Slowbro means you’re not going to be zooming around the arena at lightning speeds. Slowbro is much more at home defending the bottom lane and scoring quick goals whenever the opportunity appears. It does have some offensive prowess, using the area-of-effect attack Scald to chip away at multiple enemies or crashing into a group with Surf. Also, its ability to keep its HP high with Slack Off or Amnesia, coupled with its passive skill Oblivious, means you don’t have to worry too much if you’re left with little health after a fight. Also, reeling in a weakened opponent with Telekinesis and having a teammate nearby ready to finish it off is very satisfying. Slowbro may not travel too far in front of it, but it will make sure no Pokemon gets behind it.

Role: Defender

Style: Melee

Difficulty: Intermediate


Offense – 3Endurance – 8Mobility – 3Scoring – 3Support – 8

Evolution levels: Slowpoke Start | Slowbro at Lvl. 4

Special Moves

Water Gun – Water is shot straight ahead, damaging and lowering the movement speed of opponents. The move can be charged, and the longer the charge the further it travels, inflicting more damage and slowing opponents down more. Cooldown is 5 seconds. Upgrades at Lvl. 4 to one of the following: Scald – Creates a puddle of scalding water, doing area-of-effect damage to any opponents in the puddle. Damaged opponents’ speed and attack power are lowered, indicated by steam rising from them. 5 second cooldown. At Lvl. 11 the puddle covers more ground.Surf – Sends three waves of water toward opponents, each one dealing damage. Slowbro rides the first wave, pushing it forward. 9 second cooldown. At Lvl. 11 the two waves behind Slowbro are larger and knock opponents up into the air.Slack Off – Lies down to rest, recovering HP. The longer Slowbro lays down, the more HP is recovered. Cooldown is 11 seconds. Upgrades at Lvl. 6 to one of the following: Amnesia – Restores health, increases defense and damage for next Scald/Surf use, and makes Slowbro immune to status effects. 12 second cooldown. At Lvl. 13 it also increases Slowbro’s special attack.Telekinesis – A two-step move: first it raises one opponent into the air, then on the second button press Slowbro brings the opponent to its position. 12 second cooldown. At Lvl. 13 the move’s speed and range increase.Passive Skill: Oblivious – Damage received is gradual instead of instant, making it “cancellable” by recovering HP with successful attacks. Attacks that recover gradual damage also weaken the opponent’s special defense.Unite Move: Slowbeam – Shoots a beam at one opponent, locking it in place and connecting with multiple hits. Slowbro gains a shield and is unstoppable while the move is active.


Snorlax is the Pokemon for defensive-minded players. Heavy Slam breaks up enemy skirmishes and Block gives teammates a breather when needed, although it can also be used offensively to prevent enemy players’ retreat. Placing Snorlax in front of a goal and playing defense is the best way to be successful with the giant Pokemon, but it can’t be left alone for too long. Despite its maximum endurance, Snorlax can get overwhelmed just like every other Pokemon in Unite, and he’ll end up sleeping off the damage he receives while waiting to respawn.

Role: Defender

Style: Melee

Difficulty: Novice


Offense – 3Endurance – 10Mobility – 4Scoring – 3Support – 5

Evolution levels: None

Special Moves

Tackle – Charges forward with its belly for an area-of-effect attack, slowing damaged Pokemon’s movement speed for a short time. Cooldown is 6 seconds. Upgrades at Lvl. 6 to one of the following: Heavy Slam – Slams its body down, damaging and throwing opponents around it. 7 second cooldown. At Lvl. 11 the move’s damage is boosted.Flail – Flails its body around, hitting all Pokemon around it. The move also increases basic attack damage depending on current HP; the lower the HP, the higher the damage boost. 6.5 second cooldown. At Lvl. 11 the move’s damage is boosted.Rest – Falls asleep where it stands and heals HP while blocking the path of all Pokemon not on its team. Cooldown is 10 seconds. Upgrades at Lvl. 8 to one of the following: Block – Spreads its arms out, creating a wall and giving it a shield. Opposing Pokemon are knocked back when contacting the wall. 11 second cooldown. At Lvl. 13 damage received while this move is active is reduced.Yawn – A huge yawn that lulls opposing Pokemon around it to sleep, stunning them. 12 second cooldown. At Lvl. 13 it also decreases the movement speed of any Pokemon it hits.Passive Skill: Gluttony – Increased effects from used Berry items.Unite Move: Power Nap – Falls asleep and rolls around, damaging any Pokemon it contacts.

About Jason Fanelli

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