Call Of Duty: Vanguard Has Rainbow Six-Style Destruction

Call of Duty: Vanguard introduces what Sledgehammer Games is calling “tactical destruction” to the multiplayer mix, and like its name suggests, this will allow players to destroy certain parts of the map. This has been a mainstay in EA’s Battlefield series for years.

In Vanguard, destructible environments span all 20 maps. With walls, doors, and other objects capable of being destroyed, the way a map looks–and plays–at the start of a match could very well change by the end. “The state that the map starts at is going to look different than the state that it ends at,” Sledgehammer said in the video.

Destructible environments will also seemingly add a new layer of strategy to Call of Duty’s formula, especially in the Domination and Hardpoint modes. Players can no longer reliably hide behind objects. Additionally, Vanguard’s new caliber system–which allows players to make weapons more weapon–will impact how quickly and efficiently cover is destroyed.

Vanguard also has a suite of new perks, one of which allows you to see through walls. This may be a highly effective technique to use in combination with destroying the wall.

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“Tactical destruction was a driving force for Sledgehammer’s innovations to this game’s engine, so expect to blast through specific weak walls, break down doors and windows, or destroy tiles, scenery, structures, and other objects to flush out those pesky campers,” Activision said in a blog post.

For more on Vanguard, check out GameSpot’s rundown of everything you need to know about Vanguard’s multiplayer. You can also see the first footage of Warzone’s new Pacific map.

Fans can try out Vanguard’s multiplayer and destruction elements as soon as this weekend, which is when the first of multiple public betas for Vanguard begins. Check out GameSpot’s video above to learn more about what to expect from the upcoming beta.

About Eddie Makuch

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