Where Is Xur Today? (Aug. 26-31) – Destiny 2 Xur Location, Exotics, And Legendaries Guide

Update: Xur has departed the solar system for the weekend of August 26. Here’s what Exotics Xur is offering and where to find him for the weekend of September 3-7.

The Season of the Lost is here in Destiny 2, changing a bunch of Exotics and bringing some great new ones, like Radiant Dance Machines. It’s also our first visit from Xur of the season, which makes it a great opportunity to snag some new Exotics to jump into the season’s new meta.

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Make your way to the Tower, to the Hangar area, to find Xur this week. For his weapon, Xur is offering Tractor Cannon. Hunters can pick up the Knucklehead Radar helmet; for Titans, there’s the Doom Fang Pauldrons gauntlets; and for Warlocks, Xur has the Promethium Spur leg armor.

Xur also has a new slate of offerings to go with his Exotics: a random smattering of Legendary weapons and the full set of armor from the Season of the Forge–the Woven Firesmith set for Hunters, Forged Machinist set for Titans, and Annealed Shaper set for Warlocks. Each armor set carries random stat rolls, just like Xur’s Exotics. For Hunters, the Woven Firesmith gauntlets are worth your attention, as they carry some high stats. Meanwhile, among Xur’s weapons, his Bite of the Fox sniper rifle is a pretty good PvE option, although none of the gun rolls are really standouts.

Xur Location

Transmat into the Tower’s central spawn location and head left, down the stairs, to reach the Hangar. As you enter, turn left again and head toward the edge of the area. You’ll find Xur standing up on a catwalk near the side of the Tower.

Xur returns to the solar system every weekend in Destiny 2, starting with the daily reset at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET each Friday. The thing is, where he’ll land isn’t known until he actually arrives. Xur can hang out at one of several locations, including in the Tower Hangar area, on Nessus in Watcher’s Grave, and in the Winding Cove area of the EDZ. Xur’s inventory also changes each week, so it’s worth revisiting him on the weekends for new weapons and rolls on Exotic armor. You can visit him any time between his arrival Friday and the weekly reset at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET the following Tuesday when Xur departs the solar system.

Xur Exotic And Legendary Items

This week, Xur is packing Tractor Cannon, a powerful Exotic shotgun with added benefits. It releases a burst of reverse gravity that sends enemies flying, while also making them more vulnerable to damage. Xur is also now offering Legendary guns and armor, offering new opportunities to pick up great rolls and high-stat pieces for your collection. If you’re not a fan of his other options, Xur also sells an Exotic engram that will decrypt into an Exotic you don’t already own. Just note that you can only buy one per week, and the engram is specific to the character class who buys it–so if you’re trying to get a new Titan helmet, don’t buy the engram with your Warlock. He also has the new Xenology Quest, which rewards an Exotic Cipher you can use to purchase Exotics from either Xur or the Tower’s Monument to Lost Lights. The quest requires you to either complete Strikes or win matches in Gambit and the Crucible.

Exotic Engram — 97 legendary shardsTractor Cannon — 29 legendary shardsKnucklehead Radar — 23 legendary shardsDoom Fang Pauldron — 23 legendary shardsPromethium Spur — 23 legendary shardsXenology quest — freeLegendary weapons and armor — 50 legendary shards, 1,000 Glimmer

Each week, Xur offers one Exotic weapon and three pieces of Exotic armor: one for each character class. The inventory is random, as are the stat rolls you can expect on each of his armor offerings, so if you’re looking to fill out your collection or if you’re hoping for better versions of Exotics you already have, it’s worth visiting him. Xur also brings an Exotic Engram, which is guaranteed to drop something you don’t already have, if there are Exotics missing from your collection on that particular character–but that doesn’t include Exotics you have to earn through activities, including the new Exotic armors added each season, which can only be claimed from Legendary or Master Lost Sectors.

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Tractor Cannon (Shotgun)

Tractor Cannon might be an older Exotic, but it’s often one of Destiny 2’s most fun. The heavy shotgun fires a burst of reverse gravity that lifts enemies off the ground and sends them flying, with often hilarious results. It’ll shred smaller enemies, while bigger ones get carried off and suppressed, limiting their abilities and making them susceptible to more damage. The suppression effect makes Tractor Cannon useful against bosses as well under the right circumstances, but blasting enemies across the map is what makes Tractor Cannon a, ahem, blast to use.

Knucklehead Radar (Hunter)

If you need a reliable, build-agnostic Hunter Exotic for the Crucible, Knucklehead Radar is a solid choice. The Exotic maintains your radar even when you’re aiming down the sights, allowing you to more effectively anticipate enemy movements. If you crouch, you get an enhanced radar, providing you with even more information about what to expect from foes. That information can be invaluable, and while this isn’t necessarily a standout stat roll for the Exotic, Xur’s offering can still be very useful in a variety of situations.


Mobility: 17Resilience: 3Recovery: 12Discipline: 17Intellect: 10Strength: 2Total: 61

Doom Fang Pauldron (Titan)

Doom Fang Pauldron creates an extremely useful feedback loop for Titans who like punching enemies to death. For every Void melee kill you land, you earn Super energy. While your Sentinel Shield Super is active, melee kills instantly recharge your Shield Throw ability, and hitting enemies with that throw extends your Super. That makes this a solid choice for Void Titans in any activity, whether you’re trying to knock out Guardians in the Crucible or clearing enemies and damaging bosses in PvE. Expect Doom Fang Pauldron to be even more useful when Bungie’s Void subclass changes start rolling out.


Mobility: 13Resilience: 17Recovery: 3Discipline: 9Intellect: 13Strength: 8Total: 63

Promethium Spur (Warlock)

Promethium Spur is an Exotic that lets you be a team player even when you’re ripping through enemies with your Super. The Exotic drops healing and empowering rifts in the spot where you kill an enemy with your Daybreak Super, so your teammates can benefit. Any time you land a Solar weapon kill while standing in a rift, you gain more rift energy, and once that’s full, your Solar weapon kills create new rifts wherever your former opponent was standing. The Exotic lets you turn the whole battlefield into one big health boost for your fireteam.


Mobility: 12Resilience: 12Recovery: 6Discipline: 2Intellect: 17Strength: 14Total: 63

About Phil Hornshaw

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