Amazon’s upcoming fantasy MMO New World will have an open beta from September 9-12. This was announced during Gamescom Opening Night Live, where a brand-new story trailer was shown for the game, leaning more into its supernatural elements.
The trailer includes the setup for New World’s story, which shows treasure seekers washing ashore on the game’s island of Aeternum. The trailer also shows off the massive siege battles that take place, in addition to the mysterious supernatural forces on the island.
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Now Playing: New World Trailer | Gamescom ONL 2021
After the trailer New World director Scot Lane talked about the “living, breathing world” that is New World’s mysterious island, Aeternum. Lane said that the team is working on adding new elements to the game after launch for players to interact with. While he didn’t share any specifics, Lane said they are focused on adding more supernatural elements and weapons.
New World launches on PC on September 28.