Zelda: Skyward Sword HD Gratitude Crystal Guide And Locations

In The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD, there’s a special collectible called Gratitude Crystals. Once you meet Batreaux, you will be able to find them and trade them in for valuable items. Most people that you help will express their gratitude by producing five Gratitude Crystals at a time.

There are 80 Gratitude Crystals in total, so keep a keen eye open for any people with chat bubbles that look like they need assistance. Or you can reference the locations of all the crystals listed below. For more Zelda: Skyward Sword HD guides, be sure to check out our guide roundup. Otherwise, read our Skyward Sword HD review.

Gratitude Crystal Side-Quest Walkthroughs

You gain most of the game’s Gratitude Crystals by completing bite-sized quests tasked to you by the various NPCs in the world. Below you can find a list of our guides detailing all the ways you can earn Gratitude Crystals.

Finding KukielParrow’s Missing SisterItem Check AdmirerPipit’s Dusty HouseImproving Fledge’s StrengthHaunted BathroomThe Missing Baby RattleMissing Crystal BallDodoh’s Party WheelKina’s Pumpkin AssistantInstructor Owlan’s RequestBeedle’s Missing Beetle

Individual Gratitude Crystal Locations

As mentioned, you typically gain five Gratitude Crystal s from completing quests and helping people. However, there are 15 individual Gratitude Crystals that you can obtain organically at Skyloft.

If you spend the night at Beedle’s shop, you can get a Gratitude Crystal from the roof of his airshop once you awake on his private island.The exit of the waterfall cave in Skyloft, near where you found your Loftwing.The waterfall cave your loftwing was held captive in by Groose.Right behind the base of the light tower in the Plaza.The wooden path on a lower ledge north of the Bazaar.Use your beetle to retrieve one from the ceiling rafters of the sparring hall.Inside Orielle’s and Parrow’s home at the corner of the room.There is a Gratitude Crystal on the floating island above the lake. Snag it with the Quick Beetle to cover the necessary distance. Though, you can make it easier for yourself by waiting for the Clawshot to make it up to the floating island.On the second floor of the Knight Academy, inside a potted plant.Within the branches of a tree, nearest the pumpkin patch.Links room at the Knight Academy on his desk.There is another waiting for you in Zelda’s room. You need to have the clawshot to enter from the outside through the chimney.If you situate yourself south of the Knight Academy and look to the west, you’ll see some vines leading down. Jump down this path to find a Gratitude Crystal.The storage shed, in the back of the Lumpy Pumpkin.The second floor of the Lumpy Pumpkin.

Gratitude Crystal Rewards

Below are all the rewards you get for exchanging Gratitude Crystals to Batreaux.

Prize Crystals Required
Medium Wallet 5
Heart Piece 10
Big Wallet 30
Cursed Medal 30
Gold Rupee (300 Rupees) 40
Giant Wallet 50
Gold Rupee x2 (600 Rupees) 70
Tycoon Wallet 80

About Peter Brown

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