Tetris Effect: Connected Is Coming To PS4 In July, Supports Cross-Play And PS VR

Tetris Effect: Connected, an expanded version of Tetris Effect which adds multiple new multiplayer modes, is finally coming to PlayStation 4 in July, and it will include cross-play across all platforms as well as support for PlayStation VR.

The game was previously an Xbox console exclusive, releasing the same day as the Xbox Series X|S. It also came to Game Pass the same day. Tetris Effect: Connected will be a free update to all current Tetris Effect owners on PS4.

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Now Playing: Tetris Effect: Connected Reveal Trailer | Xbox Games Showcase 2020

Via the PlayStation Blog, the game is native on PS4, but it can also be played on PlayStation 5 via backwards compatibility. The entire game can be played in PlayStation VR, much like the original Tetris Effect.

While many of Tetris Effect: Connected’s expanded features won’t be new to those who already played the game on Xbox, there are a few brand new modes coming to the game for the first time when it arrives on PlayStation, including PAL Speed mode and Slow Speed mode. The game will also be receiving a spectator mode along with cross-platform lobbies via use of a four-digit alphanumeric room code which can be shared with friends regardless of platform.

Surprisingly, Tetris Effect: Connected on PS4 doesn’t have an exact release July release date just yet, but all current owners of Tetris Effect can download a beta for the game starting on June 23 that runs until July 5.

Tetris Effect: Connected will also be coming to Steam this summer. Tetris Effect director Tetsuya Mizuguchi confirmed his next game is currently in development, and that it will be building off the Area X concept seen in 2016’s Rez Infinite.

About Cameron Koch

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