Xbox Games Showcase: Extended Event Coming Thursday With Halo, Hellblade, And More

Microsoft’s big Xbox E3 showcase on Sunday was just the beginning of the company’s plans to discuss games this week. It’s been announced that an Xbox Games Showcase: Extended event is coming this Thursday, June 17. It won’t be a news event, however, so don’t expect any reveals. Instead, you can look forward to updates and insights from various development teams at Xbox.

The event, which will be hosted by Gamertag Radio’s Parris Lilly, will include conversations with developers from first-party studios such as Double Fine, Obsidian, Ninja Theory, and Rare, along with “dev partners” from across the globe. Ninja Theory will provide a behind-the-scenes look at Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II, but we don’t know for sure what the other teams are expected to talk about. Halo Infinite developer 343 Industries is also confirmed to appear, along with World’s Edge and other studios.

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Now Playing: Halo Infinite Multiplayer Trailer | Xbox + Bethesda E3 2021

Rare’s new IP Everwild did not show up at the Xbox E3 showcase, so perhaps this event will bring some news on that game. Double Fine’s The Outer Worlds 2. Rare wasn’t totally absent from the show–not by a long shot. The studio announced a huge Pirates of the Caribbean crossover for Sea of Thieves featuring none other than Johnny Depp’s Captain Jack Sparrow.

The Xbox Games Showcase Extended begins on June 17 at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET / 6 PM BST. You can watch it on YouTube.

As for what Microsoft showed off during its main event with Bethesda, we got a Halo Infinite multiplayer footage, and the announcement of Forza Horizon 5. For more, check out GameSpot’s roundup of all the big Xbox/Bethesda news.

About Eddie Makuch

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