Fortnite Living Loot Llamas: How To Catch New Fortnite Llamas

Loot Llamas have come to life in Fortnite Season 7, making their massive resource caches a bit tougher to obtain, but with some guidance, you’ll be chasing them down like scenes from a nature documentary. Here’s what you need to know about new Living Loot Llamas.

How To Catch Living Loot Llamas

Coming upon a Loot Llama in Fortnite is always a momentous occasion due to its rarity and its plentiful loot inside. In past seasons, you’d merely have to approach a Loot Llama and interact with it for a few seconds. The only risk was leaving yourself exposed to enemy fire for a brief moment. The Llama itself was a stationary piñata. But that’s not the case in Fortnite Season 7. Now you’ll need to chase them, because as soon as you get close, they will take off running.

Fortunately, these new Living Loot Llamas drop loot every few feet as they dash away, so if you’re satisfied with what they’ve already, uh, let’s say deposited, you can end your pursuit there, but it benefits you greatly to chase them down further. Loot Llamas have a lot of HP, so you’ll want to pour into it with whatever you’ve got for weapons. Similar to sharks, it’s going to take a few clips–and ideally some teamwork–to bust the Loot Llama open.

One trick you can use to make it a bit easier is to run the Llama over with a vehicle. It will do a bit of damage right away, but more helpful than that, it will stun the Llama for a few seconds, letting you get in close or at least not have to shoot at a moving target.

Once you’ve finally eliminated the Living Loot Llama, a bundle of loot will explode out of it just like the classic Loot Llamas. Included in the loot seems to be a guaranteed Chug Cannon, as every Loot Llama we’ve defeated so far in Season 7 has dropped one.

Similar to the Bandage Bazooka, the Chug Cannon lets players shoot healing bursts of Slurp Juice, which can heal both your health and shields to their limits. It operates on a cooldown timer and takes up two inventory slots to keep it balanced, because it’s really a great item to have, especially in team play where you can fire it at allies from a distance and heal them immediately.

There’s no one particular spot you can reliably find Loot Llamas, as their appearance on the map in any given round seems totally random. But when you come upon one, just remember to work as a team to take its HP down to 0 and give it a good bonk with your car or truck (or UFO) if you’re able to. Then, like any piñata at a child’s birthday party, make a mad dash for the goodies inside once it’s exploded.

We’ve got plenty more to help you with Fortnite Season 7, including a Superman primer, the full list of Week 1 challenges, and an explainer on the new Alien Artifacts.

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About Mark Delaney

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