Since it first launched in Summer 2016, Pokemon Go has been gradually introducing more and more Pokemon for players to collect. Following the recent addition of Gen 4 and Gen 5 Pokemon, Niantic has begun introducing monsters from the series’ Gen 6 installments–Pokemon X and Y–to the mobile game.
One of the most beloved and unique Pokemon in the entire series is Eevee. While a fairly common sight in Pokemon Go, what makes Eevee special is that it’s capable of evolving into a variety of different forms. Normally, which Eevee evolution you get is up to luck, but there are a few tricks to ensure you get the evolution of your choice. If you’re hoping for a particular one, read on for tips on how to get any Eevee evolution.
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How Many Eevee Evolutions Are There?
Eevee is categorized as the Evolution Pokemon, and fittingly, it can evolve into eight possible forms–more than any other Pokemon in the series. The most recent Eevee evolution, Sylveon, was introduced in Pokemon X and Y for 3DS, and it made its debut in Pokemon Go as part of May 2021’s Luminous Legends Y event. Here’s the full list of the possible forms Eevee can evolve into:
Vaporeon — Water-typeJolteon — Electric-typeFlareon — Fire-typeEspeon — Psychic-typeUmbreon — Dark-typeLeafeon — Grass-typeGlaceon — Ice-typeSylveon — Fairy-type
How To Choose Eevee Evolutions
Eevee requires 25 Eevee Candies to evolve, which is fairly cheap by the game’s standards, so you shouldn’t have much trouble amassing the required amount of Candy to evolve it. Normally, the form it turns into will be determined randomly, but you can influence its evolution by giving it a specific nickname, guaranteeing it will evolve into a certain form. However, this nicknaming trick can only be used once per evolution. Here’s the full list of nicknames and the evolutions they’ll produce:
Vaporeon — RainerJolteon — SparkyFlareon — PyroEspeon — SakuraUmbreon — TamaoLeafeon — LinneaGlaceon — ReaSylveon — Kira
Once you change Eevee’s nickname to one of the aforementioned options, you’ll see the silhouette of the corresponding Pokemon appear on the Evolve button, signaling that you’ve done everything right. As previously mentioned, however, you can only use this trick once for each form; if you’ve already obtained a Jolteon by nicknaming it Sparky, for instance, you won’t be able to get another one using the same method, so think carefully before evolving an Eevee.
Other Eevee Evolution Tricks
In addition to the above nicknaming trick, there’s another method to guarantee which form your Eevee will evolve into, specifically if you want Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, or Glaceon. However, this will require a little more work.
Espeon / Umbreon
Set Eevee as your Buddy Pokemon, then walk 10 kilometers with it. Once you’ve traveled the required distance together and earned two Candies, evolve Eevee (while it’s still set as your Buddy Pokemon) during the day to get Espeon, or at night (between 8 PM – 8 AM local time) to get Umbreon.
Leafeon / Glaceon
To guarantee Eevee evolves into Leafeon or Glaceon, you’ll need to have either a Mossy Lure or a Glacial Lure–two new types of Lure Modules recently introduced in the game. You can purchase either of these through the in-game item shop for 200 coins.
Once you’ve gotten your hands on a Mossy Lure, set it in a PokeStop, then spin its Photo Disc and evolve Eevee to receive Leafeon. Set a Glacial Lure instead and the Evolution Pokemon will turn into Glaceon. You can read more about the process in our guide on how to get Leafeon and Glaceon in Pokemon Go.
To evolve Eevee into Sylveon, you need to set it as your Buddy Pokemon and earn 70 hearts with it. You’ll earn hearts by feeding, playing with, and taking snapshots of Eevee while it’s set as your Buddy. Once you’ve earned 70 hearts with it, you’ll be able to evolve that Eevee into Sylveon.
Shiny Eevee
Shiny Pokemon are a rare sight in Pokemon Go, and not every Pokemon’s Shiny form is available in the game, but you can get a Shiny Eevee if you’re lucky. The odds of coming across one are slim, and there’s unfortunately no way to guarantee you encounter one, but you can find a Shiny Eevee in the wild, hatch one from Eggs, or encounter it through Research tasks. Once you’ve captured one, any form you evolve it into will retain its Shiny coloration.
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