CoD: Warzone Dev Teases Changes To Sun Lensflares In Verdansk '84

A visual effects artist from Raven Software has said the studio could adjust the sun lens flare levels in Call of Duty: Warzone. Responding to a news story about how different elemental aspects of the game’s visual look–including sun flares–are distracting, Reed Shingledecker said it would be easy to “tone down” these flares if that’s what people want.

Shingledecker appeared to be surprised that people thought this was an issue in the first place. But if it’s a problem that people want to see adjusted, that would be an easy fix, Shingledecker said. “Looks like I know what I’m doing on Monday,” he said in another tweet, suggesting that one of his first tasks in the new week might be to address this.

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“I’m happy to look and address any VFX concerns. Thanks for the feedback,” he wrote.

Shingledecker also wanted to remind people that he doesn’t wield total or complete power and control over how Warzone looks. Feedback around lighting elements, for example, are outside his jurisdiction.

“I can only adjust the brightness of the lens flare on the screen. This includes the rays that draw on top of buildings and the screen dirt. I CANNOT control the haziness, god rays, or actual sun brightness,” he said. You can see all of his tweets below.

As Eurogamer reminds us, the recent Season 3 Reloaded patch for Warzone’s Rebirth Island made some substantial and welcome changes to that map. It became more vibrant. Simply put, many agreed that it simply looked better after the update, and now people are hoping some of these changes come to the Verdansk ’84 map as well.

About Eddie Makuch

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