Pokemon Go Yveltal Guide: Best Counters, Weaknesses, And More Tips

Yveltal has arrived in Pokemon Go. The Legendary Destruction Pokemon is appearing in five-star Raid Battles throughout the Luminous Legends Y event, which runs through May 31. This marks your first chance to catch Yveltal in Niantic’s mobile game, so we’ve rounded up some tips to help you beat and catch the new Gen 6 Legendary below.

Yveltal Weaknesses And Counters

Yveltal is a Dark/Flying type, which gives it a handful of common weaknesses that you can exploit. The Legendary is particularly weak to Electric, Ice, Rock, and Fairy Pokemon, so you have a variety of options to choose from when battling it. Here are some good Pokemon of each type, along with recommended moves:

Pokemon Type Recommended Fast Attack Recommended Charge Attack
Zekrom Dragon/Electric Charge Beam Wild Charge
Raikou Electric Thunder Shock Wild Charge
Zapdos Electric/Flying Thunder Shock Thunderbolt
Mega Manectric Electric Charge Beam Wild Charge
Mamoswine Ice/Ground Powder Snow Avalanche
Galarian Darmanitan Ice Ice Fang Avalanche
Mega Abomasnow Ice/Grass Powder Snow Blizzard
Kyurem Dragon/Ice Dragon Breath Blizzard
Rhyperior Ground/Rock Smack Down Rock Wrecker
Rampardos Rock Smack Down Rock Slide
Tyranitar Rock/Dark Bite Stone Edge
Alolan Golem Rock/Electric Rock Throw Wild Charge
Aerodactyl Rock/Flying Rock Throw Rock Slide
Xerneas Fairy Tackle Moonblast
Togekiss Fairy/Flying Charm Dazzling Gleam
Gardevoir Psychic/Fairy Charm Dazzling Gleam
Granbull Fairy Charm Play Rough

While the above monsters are among the best Yveltal counters, almost any Electric, Ice, Rock, or Fairy Pokemon will be helpful when battling the Legendary, especially if they know Fast and Charged attacks of their respective types. Rock Pokemon in particular are good choices to use because they have naturally high defenses and will resist any Flying-type moves that Yveltal may know.

Types To Avoid

Although they are normally among the game’s best offensive Pokemon, Psychic and Ghost types will take super-effective damage from Yveltal, so you’ll want to avoid using them when challenging the Legendary. Fighting and Bug Pokemon may also prove to be a liability; while they are typically strong against Dark types, they won’t last long against Yveltal if it knows a Flying-type attack.

Yveltal Raid Schedule

Yveltal is debuting in Pokemon Go as part of the Luminous Legends Y event, which kicks off at 10 AM local time on May 18 and runs until 8 PM local time on May 31. The Legendary will be available as a Raid boss throughout the entire event, giving you almost two full weeks to catch it.

About Kevin Knezevic

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