SNK will release the Steam version of its feudal fighting game Samurai Shodown on June 14, the developer announced. Originally a timed exclusive on the Epic Games Store, the Steam version will launch alongside the multi-platform release of Season Pass 3 DLC character Shiro Tokisada Amakusa.
Originally a boss character in the original 1993 game, Amakusa appeared in multiple other games in the series and fights his opponents by attacking them with a gem of power. Amakusa is the third Season Pass 3 character to have been revealed, after Cham Cham and Hibiki Takane. One more character still needs to join the roster, but this brawler will be a guest fighter from Arc System Works’ Guilty Gear series.
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Released on Xbox One and PS4 back in 2019, Samurai Shodown earned positive reviews for its easy-to-learn gameplay mechanics and strategic combat. Earlier this year, an Xbox Series X|S version of the game added 120fps gameplay and Smart Delivery transfer options.
“It captures what made the original fun and unique, but also at a time when high-damage, high-stakes fighters like this are a rarity, making its combat feel both fresh and familiar,” critic Heidi Kemps wrote in their Samurai Shodown review. “Its accessibility and easy-to-grasp gameplay belie a lot of strategic depth that makes for very intense, bloody struggles. While the single-player experience is a bit lacking, it doesn’t drag down the whole significantly–Samurai Shodown is a fighting experience well worth taking up the sword for.”