Cult classic survival-horror franchise Fatal Frame hasn’t seen the light of day since its last game, Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water, was released on the Nintendo Wii in 2014. At long last, a new entry in the series is coming…to a Japanese pachinko parlor near you.
Developed by Yamasa Next–which also has Tekken and God Eater pachinko machines–the trailer below features some admittedly great cutscenes and “shocking” cutscenes:
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Now Playing: Quick Look: Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water
Gambling machines based on iconic video game properties are actually commonplace in Japan, something which occasional game publisher Konami has capitalized on in recent years. A Metal Gear Solid game hasn’t been produced since 2018’s poorly-received Metal Gear Survive spin-off for example, but the franchise and other series such as Silent Hill have found new life in gambling dens as slot machines. Konami even has a casino showroom on wheels, that it calls the WINovation Road Show.
The original Fatal Frame developed by Tecmo in 2001 brought with it a novel approach to survival-horror, as the only way that players could fend off ghosts was with a camera that captured the terror of these phantasms. In an age where smartphone cameras have become an integral part of our online lives, a new game in the series would be welcome. Fans probably weren’t expecting a pachinko revival of the dormant franchise though.