Like most games with a dedicated fanbase, Titanfall 2 is no stranger to seeing players attempt to break one of its more challenging records. Early in the game, players are taken through a virtual tutorial that ends with a final run through a gauntlet of enemies, putting the various skills they’ve been taught to use. During the recent free weekend for the game, one player by the handle of Cash_Mayo broke the Gauntlet record with a blistering pace of 11.10 seconds.
If it looks like magic or the use of a noclip cheat code, what’s happening above is actually the use of Titanfall 2’s wall-running abilities being combined with grenades to provide an extra-explosive boost to speed. Yes, that’s right, Cash_Mayo was blowing up their legs in an effort to shave time off the previous speedrun record. Cleverly, Cash_Mayo also took advantage of the space between Gauntlet runs to start at full speed, surging to the new lap record in the process.
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Now Playing: Titanfall 2's 2021 Comeback
Titanfall 2 has enjoyed a surge in popularity lately thanks to its free weekend, proving that there is still an audience for developer Respawn’s series of mechs and pilots. While the studio has confirmed that plans for a new Titanfall game will have to take a backseat as it continues to grow its successful battle royale Apex Legends and works on an original IP, Respawn hasn’t written the franchise off entirely.
Whatever the future does hold in store for Titanfall, it’d be worth releasing the game at a time when it isn’t caught in the middle of two of the biggest action game franchises on the planet.