May is officially here, and Pokemon Go developer Niantic has a variety of events lined up for the Pokemon mobile game this month. In addition to the Luminous Legends event, which will introduce Xerneas (and, later, Yveltal) to the game, Pokemon Go players have new Pokemon spotlight hours and more to look forward to over the next few weeks. Here’s a rundown of all the biggest events happening in Pokemon Go in May 2021.
May 2021 Research Breakthrough Encounter: Galarian Ponyta
Niantic is rolling out a new batch of Field Research tasks and rewards starting May 1, along with a new Research Breakthrough encounter. Each time you achieve a Research Breakthrough this month, you’ll earn a chance to catch Galarian Ponyta.
Legendary Raid Schedule
Incarnate Forme Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus have left Raids once again, but two new Gen 6 Legendaries will take their place this month. The Life Pokemon Xerneas will appear as a Raid boss from May 4-18, while its counterpart, the Destruction Pokemon Yveltal, will immediately follow from May 18 through the rest of the month.
April 27 – May 4: Incarnate Forme Tornadus, Thundurus, and LandorusMay 4-18: XerneasMay 18 – June 1: Yveltal
Mega Raid Schedule
Niantic is also shaking up the Mega Raid boss rotation in May. Mega Charizard Y is returning to Raids at the beginning of the month, while Mega Houndoom, Mega Ampharos, and a “surprise” Mega-Evolved Pokemon will be available beginning May 15. That surprise turns out to be Mega Altaria, which is debuting in the game immediately following May’s Community Day.
April 20 – May 4: Mega Venusaur, Mega Lopunny, and Mega AbomasnowMay 4-15: Mega Venusaur, Mega Charizard Y, and Mega LopunnyMay 15 – June 1: Mega Ampharos, Mega Houndoom, and Mega Altaria
May Pokemon Spotlight Hours
Niantic is spotlighting a different Pokemon and bonus for one hour every Tuesday evening, from 6-7 PM local time. You can see May’s full Spotlight Hour schedule below.
Date | Spotlight Pokemon | Special Bonus |
May 4 | Cottonee | 2x catch Candy |
May 11 | Dratini | 2x transfer Candy |
May 18 | Alolan Rattata | 2x evolution XP |
May 25 | Marill | 2x catch Stardust |
Marill Limited Research
Niantic is holding a new Limited Research event featuring Marill on Sunday, May 9. The event runs from 8 AM to 10 PM local time and features exclusive Field and Timed Research tasks that will lead to encounters with the Water/Fairy Pokemon. Not only that, but Shiny Marill will also be appearing during the event.
May 2021 Community Day
Pokemon Go’s May Community Day is set for Saturday, May 15. The event will run from 11 AM to 5 PM local time, and the featured Pokemon this month will be Swablu. The Cotton Bird Pokemon will appear in the wild more frequently throughout the event, and you’ll have a chance to catch Shiny Swablu. Not only that, but Niantic is introducing Mega Altaria to the game immediately following the Community Day.
Luminous Legends X
Niantic is kicking May off with the Luminous Legends X event. That runs from May 4-17 and introduces the Legendary Pokemon Xerneas to the game, along with the other Gen 6 Pokemon Spritzee, Swirlix, and Goomy. Xerneas will be appearing in five-star Raids throughout the event, while the other three monsters will appear in the wild alongside other Dragon and Fairy types. Niantic is also introducing a new item called the Rainy Lure Module, which will attract Pokemon that like rainy weather and allow Sliggoo (Goomy’s evolved form) to evolve into Goodra.
Luminous Legends Y
Following Luminous Legends X, Niantic is holding a Luminous Legends Y event from May 18-31. That will introduce the Pokemon Y mascot monster, Yveltal, to five-star Raids. There will also be increased spawns of Dark-type Pokemon, as well as increased Team Go Rocket activity, and Eevee’s Fairy-type evolution Sylveon is making its debut in the game.