Red Dead Online Update Hands Out Double Rewards For Naturalists And Anglers This Week

This week’s Red Dead Online weekly update has gone live, and for players looking to explore the rugged outdoors or spend some time down by the lake, the next couple of days look set to be especially rewarding. Developer Rockstar Games has detailed all of this week’s updates and more in a new blog post that you can read highlights of below.

Naturalist Rewards

Naturalists can home double the cash and XP rewards on all sample sales this week, as well as an added bonus of 100 Sedative Varmint Rifle rounds and five Animal Revivers on any Legendary animal samples. For players looking to explore Red Dead Online’s more natural side, a complimentary care package featuring Potent Herbivore bait, Potent Predator bait, and three Special lake lures will be available as well.

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The retail cost of the Naturalist’s sample kit is also being discounted, with players able to take five Gold Bars off that gear. Completing a round of Wildlife Photographer will result in a 40% discount on the Advanced Camera, and bringing pelts to Gus Macmillan for him to turn into garments and trinkets will result in the cost of outfits below Rank 15 being discounted by 50%.

Angler Bonuses

Free roam fishing challenges will net players double cash and XP rewards. The frequency of these challenges will be increased this week, and visiting the butcher to offload any fish you’ve caught will see a 50% extra cash bonus on all sales.

This Week’s Discounts

Naturalists will get additional discounts this week, including 30% off Harriet’s Tonics, Novice and Promising Naturalist items, all items in Gus’ Store, and the Elephant Rifle. Anglers can take 40% off the price of the fishing rod, all fishing lures, and all hats.

Harriet’s Tonics – 30%Novice and Promising Naturalist items – 30%All items in Gus’ Store – 30%Elephant Rifle – 30%Fishing rod – 40%All fishing lures – 40%All hats – 40%

Prime Gaming Benefits

Rockstar announced that everyone who connects their Rockstar Games Social Club account to Prime Gaming will be able to start a career as a Bounty Hunter and outfit their wagon with a new livery:

A free Bounty Hunter LicenseAn award for the Trimmed Amethyst Bounty Wagon Livery

Players who connect to Prime Gaming before April 12 will receive an offer for 30% off select multi-class horses, an offer for 30% off select horse care pamphlets from the Fence, and an additional offer for 40% off any saddle.

Red Dead Redemption 2 has become one of Rockstar’s biggest hits since it launched in 2018 and has sold more than 36 million copies so far. Red Dead Online, which arrived not long after the game debuted, has also proven to be successful as player numbers have continued to rise. With the multiplayer component becoming a standalone offering, those numbers have only increased since then.

About Darryn Bonthuys

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