The Suicide Squad Gets Another New TV Spot

With the film’s release still months away, James Gunn is slowly releasing new footage from his Suicide Squad reboot-but-not. With one major trailer and one TV spot already released in the last week, Gunn revealed a second TV spot on Twitter with a few yet-unseen clips.

While the TV spot re-uses some (admittedly fantastic) clips from the full trailer, such as King Shark straight up eating a man, it also features some new footage. If you watch closely, you can catch a clip of Captain Boomerang throwing a neon-glowing boomerang, a close-up of Harley Quinn biting into an apple in the rain, and a brief clip of Idris Elba’s Bloodsport brandishing a very sci-fi looking weapon. Catch the whole thing below.

Where the full feature trailer really highlighted the comedy baked into Gunn’s take on the Suicide Squad, the new TV spot looks to be more about the action–and there’s plenty of that to go around. Like the full trailer, the TV spot also features Steely Dan’s Dirty Work in the background, promising that the soundtrack on The Suicide Squad will be just as good as Gunn’s GoTG movies.

The Suicide Squad is due to release on August 6 this year in theatres and on HBO Max. In the meantime, Gunn’s comments about killing off characters have given fans plenty of time to speculate about who will survive to the end of the film. The movie’s place in the DC cinematic canon is already a little murky given its relationship to the earlier Suicide Squad–though given how poorly that one was received, it wouldn’t be surprising if Warner decided to go ahead with a new canon.

About Hayley Williams

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