Red Dead Online Update Offers Big Rewards For Bounty Hunters, Naturalists, And Collectors

The latest update for Red Dead Online has arrived, revealing that it’s a good time to earn extra rewards if you’ve chosen a career as a Bounty Hunter, Naturalist, or a Collector in the harsh frontier of Red Dead Redemption 2‘s multiplayer spin-off. Developer Rockstar Games has detailed all of this week’s updates and more in a new blog post that you can read highlights of below.

Naturalist bonuses

Naturalists can grab triple the usual cash and experience points rewards for selling Black-Tailed Jackrabbit samples this week.

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Bounty Hunter bonuses

Bounty Hunters can earn a 50% bonus on cash payouts for all bounties, including Legendary and Infamous villains. All licensed Bounty Hunters above Rank 5 will also receive an offer for 50% off the Navy Revolver.

Collector bonuses

Collectors with sharp eyes will receive an extra 50% cash bonus on top of the usual payout for completing the Weekly Egg Hunt Collection. Simply bring duck, heron, or goose eggs to Madam Nazar for the extra rewards. Collectors who take part in the Condor Egg Free Roam Event will receive a discount for 40% off a novice or Promising Collector Item of their choice.

Time-limited clothing

You can’t explore the old west without looking the part, and this week’s Wheeler, Rawson & Co. Catalogue includes the return of a selection of clothing that will only be available for the next two weeks:

Hopeman VestCardozo VestLeavitt JacketLister HatManteca HatCovington HatMenasco HatOwanjila HatBowyer Boots


The Bounty Hunter License and the Collector’s Bag, which allows players to pursue those career paths, will be available this week with the price reduced by five gold bars. A 40% discount on Refined Binoculars, the Collector’s Saddle Bag, and all Collector’s maps are some of the other discounts you can grab for a limited time.

Bounty Hunter License – Price reduced by five gold barsCollector’s Bag – Price reduced by five gold barsBounty Hunter Outfits – 40%Collector Outfits – 40%Refined Binoculars – 40%Collector’s Saddle Bag – 40%Collector’s maps – 40%Bounty Wagon – 40%

Prime Gaming Benefits

Rockstar announced that everyone who connects their Rockstar Games Social Club account to Prime Gaming will be able to start a career as a Bounty Hunter and outfit their wagon with a new livery:

A free Bounty Hunter LicenseAn award for the Trimmed Amethyst Bounty Wagon Livery

Players who connect to Prime Gaming before April 12 will receive an offer for 30% off select multi-class horses, an offer for 30% off select horse care pamphlets from the Fence, and an additional offer for 40% off any saddle.

Red Dead Redemption 2 has one of Rockstar’s biggest critical and commercial hits since it launched in 2018, selling more than 36 million copies so far. Red Dead Online, which was introduced not long after the game debuted, has also proven to be successful as player numbers have continued to rise since the multiplayer component became a standalone offering.

About Darryn Bonthuys

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