Valheim Console Commands – Cheats And Codes To Control The Game

Valheim is a game about survival, building a settlement, and finding various materials to build better weapons and armor so that you can find and defeat the enemies of Odin. If you want to shortcut that process, though, you can, thanks to a huge number of Valheim developer console commands that allow you to cheat. The commands are very easy to use if you know what they are. Lucky for you, we’ve got the complete list of console commands in this cheater’s guide, allowing you to bend the realm of Valheim to your will.

It’s worth noting that these codes won’t work in multiplayer servers for the most part–they’re single-player cheats only. That said, since Valheim allows you to take characters from one game world to another (along with all the stuff they’re carrying), it’s pretty easy to jump into a single-player game, spawn yourself a bunch of cool stuff, and then take it with you to a server with friends. If you’re looking to build some ridiculous Viking fortresses and bases, this is a handy way to do it without hours of mining materials and cutting down trees.

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How To Enable Console Commands

It’s actually pretty easy to get access to Valheim’s full menu of cheats, and you might have already seen it. Hit F5 to pull up the dev console, where you can enter text commands. Using the command “help,” for instance, will give you a series of handy commands that let you see things like the current server ping.

To start cheating, you’ll need to enter a certain code that makes all the other codes available. In a single-player game of Valheim, hit F5 and enter “imacheater” into the console. (Worth noting from here on out: don’t include the quotation marks in your console commands.) When the console shows the response “Cheats: True,” you’ll know you’re ready to go.

A word of caution here: Messing around with console commands and cheat codes can potentially mess up your game world and your character, so it’s a good idea to back up your Valheim save files before you start messing around.

With cheats enabled, you can enter commands into the console and look for responses to tell if they’re working.

Debug Mode – Free Build

First, if you’re looking for the chance to just go nuts on building, use the command “debugmode“. That’ll remove a bunch of restrictions and allow you to just place assets straight into the world–in other words, it’s an unofficial Creative Mode for Valheim, where you can just build without the requirement of resources. First, hit “B” on your keyboard to toggle on the free-building ability, which means you won’t need resources or a Workbench to construct stuff. Then use a Hammer to access the building menu and go nuts.

If you want to build without the constraints of gravity, hit “Z” to toggle the ability to fly so you can reposition yourself as needed. You can fly up with the spacebar and fly down with the ctrl key.

And if any residents of Valheim are giving you guff while you’re working, you can hit “K” to automatically murder all enemies in your vicinity.

Character Cheat Codes

There are a whole host of different types of console commands at your fingertips in Valheim. This list directly affects your character and their skills.

Enter the code on the left into the dev console with cheats enabled to access each effect. Look for a response message, like “God: True,” to know you’ve successfully turned on the cheat.

god – Toggles on and off “god” mode, which makes you invincible to damage.ghost – Toggles on and off “ghost” mode, which makes it so you don’t trigger enemy aggression.puke – Resets your hunger meter, including getting rid of any food you’ve eaten, while also giving you the default values for health and stamina.resetcharacter – Resets all your character information (so be careful with this one).raiseskill (skill) (level value) – Allows you to set a level for any skill. You’ll need to define the skill name and the level you want. So to raise your Running skill to 100, you would type “raiseskill running 100”.resetskill (skill) – Resets a skill to zero. Type the name of the skill after the command: “resetskill running”.

Gameplay Cheat Codes

The cheat codes aimed at gameplay let you mess around with enemies and make other adjustments to the game world.

killall – Instantly kills any enemies that are near your character.tame – Instantly tames any enemies that are near your character.pos – Shows your character’s coordinates in the world.goto (number) (number) – Enter coordinates after the command to teleport your character to that location.skiptime (number of seconds) – Advances time by however many seconds you set.sleep – Advances time one day forward.tod (number) – Sets a time of day using a number between 0 and 1, where 1 represents a completed day cycle. Both 0 and 1 set the time to midnight; 0.5 is halfway between them, so it’s noon, 0.3 is morning, 0.8 is afternoon, and so on. A value of -1 reverts to the default time of day.player (number) – Changes the difficulty of the game world as though more players were active within it, depending on the number you set.event (event name) – Starts a story event where you are based on which event you name. Use this list of events and their command console names in the Valheim wiki.randomevent – Starts a story event at random.stopevent – Stops the current story event.exploremap – Fully reveals the world map, as though you’d explored everywhere.resetmap – Fully hides the world map.freefly – Activates a free camera, allowing you to move around the game world free of your character, who stays behind. This is great for taking photos in Valheim; type “freefly” in the console again to turn the free camera off and return to your character.wind (angle number) (intensity number) – Allows you to change the wind’s direction and intensity. The two inputs after the “wind” command must be numbers. Think of “angle” as degrees of a circle, with 0 being straight north, 90 being straight east, 180 being straight south, and 270 being straight west. Intensity is a number between 0 and 1, where 0 is no wind and 1 is a windstorm–so 0.2 is a breeze, 0.5 is a gust, and 0.8 is a gale.resetwind – sets the wind back to wherever it was before you started messing with it.

Item Spawns

You can also use console commands to just generate any item, creature, material, or piece of gear you want out of thin air. This is where the cheating gets really intense, since you can spawn items in a single-player game and hold them in your character’s inventory to take them into multiplayer servers. If you’re looking to make some huge buildings in a multiplayer server, this can seriously speed up that process. Then again, you can use these commands to completely circumvent Valheim’s tech tree-climbing gameplay, so be warned you might ruin the experience for yourself if you go too wild here.

This is a massive list that spawns everything from Raspberries to Valheim’s five bosses. Players on Reddit have worked diligently to document all the commands, so huge thanks to Redditor Demogrim and many others for their hard work. We’ve verified a huge number of the items on this list, but note that a few item names in the console commands are different than the in-game names, which can make them confusing. It also appears that there are items on this list that might not be in the normal game, or haven’t been added yet, so spawn things at your own risk.

To spawn an item, make sure cheats are enabled and then just type “spawn” then the name of the item, the number you want to spawn, and the level of the item if applicable: “spawn (item name) (quantity) (level)”. So to spawn 30 raspberries, type “spawn Raspberry 30“. Note also that these names are case-sensitive.

If you spawn a bunch of non-enemy items, you can clear them all by typing “removeall” into the console. Don’t forget “killall” if you happen to fill an area with too many creatures and need them removed as well.

Inventory Items

AmberAmberPearlAncientSeedBarleyBarleyFlourBarleyWineBarleyWineBaseBeechSeedsBlackMetalBlackMetalScrapBloodbagBronzeBronzeNailsBoneFragmentsCarrotSeedsChitinCoalCoinsCopperCopperOreCryptKey (Swamp Key, dropped by Bonemass)CrystalDandelionDeerHideDragonEggDragonTear (dropped by Moder)ElderBarkEntrailsFeathersFineWoodFirConeFishingBaitFishRawFlametalFlametalOreFlaxFlintFreezeGlandGreydwarfEyeGuckHardAntler (dropped by Eikthyr)IronIronNailsIronOreIronScrapLeatherScrapsLinenThreadLoxMeatLoxPeltNeedleObsidianOozePineConeQueenBeeRubySerpentScaleSharpeningStoneSilverSilverNecklaceSilverOreStoneSurtlingCoreThistleTinTinOreTrollHideTurnipSeedsWitheredBoneWolfFangWolfPeltWoodYmirRemainsNeckTailRawMeatResinRoundLogSerpentMeatYagluthDrop

Armor Pieces







AxeBronzeAxeFlintAxeIronAxeStoneAxeBlackMetalPickaxeAntlerPickaxeBronzePickaxeIronPickaxeStoneCultivatorFishingRodHammerHoeSpearChitin (Abyssal Harpoon)

Special Equipment

BeltStrength (Meginjord belt, purchased from Hugin; increases how much weight you can carry)Wishbone (Dropped by Bonemass; detects buried treasure and Silver Veins)HelmetDverger (Dverger circlet, purchased from Hugin; acts as a headlamp, replaces your helmet)


BlobBlobEliteBoarBoar_piggyCrowDeathsquitoDeerDraugrDraugr_EliteDraugr_RangedFenringGhostGoblin (Fuling)GoblinArcherGoblinBruteGoblinClubGoblinHelmetGoblinLegbandGoblinLoinGoblinShamanGoblinShouldersGoblinSpearGoblinSwordGoblinTorchGoblinTotemGreydwarfGreydwarf_EliteGreydwarf_RootGreydwarf_ShamanGreylingLeechLoxNeckSeagalSerpentSkeletonSkeleton_Poison (Rancid Remains)StoneGolemSurtlingTrollValkyrieWolfWolf_cubWraith


Eikthyr (Meadows boss)Gd_king (The Elder, Black Forest boss)Bonemass (Swamp boss)Dragon (Moder, Mountain boss)GoblinKing (Yagluth, Plains boss)






CartRaftKarveVikingShip (Longship)Trailership (Somewhat spiffier Longship with cool cosmetic features)

Boss Trophies

TrophyEikthyrTrophyTheElderTrophyBonemassTrophyDragonQueen (Moder Trophy)TrophyGoblinKing (Yagluth Trophy)

Enemy Trophies

TrophyBlobTrophyBoarTrophyDeathsquitoTrophyDeerTrophyDraugrTrophyDraugrEliteTrophyDraugrFemTrophyFenringTrophyForestTrollTrophyFrostTrollTrophyGoblin (Fuling Trophy)TrophyGoblinBruteTrophyGoblinShamanTrophyGreydwarfTrophyGreydwarfBruteTrophyGreydwarfShamanTrophyHatchling (Drake Trophy)TrophyLeechTrophyLoxTrophyNeckTrophySerpentTrophySGolemTrophySkeletonTrophySkeletonPoisonTrophySurtlingTrophyWolfTrophyWraith

Enemy Spawners

BonePileSpawnerSpawner_BlobSpawner_BlobEliteSpawner_BoarSpawner_DraugrSpawner_Draugr_EliteSpawner_Draugr_NoiseSpawner_Draugr_RangedSpawner_Draugr_Ranged_NoiseSpawner_Draugr_respawn_30Spawner_DraugrPileSpawner_FenringSpawner_Fish4Spawner_GhostSpawner_Goblin (Spawner_GoblinArcherSpawner_GoblinBruteSpawner_GoblinShamanSpawner_GreydwarfSpawner_Greydwarf_EliteSpawner_Greydwarf_ShamanSpawner_GreydwarfNestSpawner_HatchlingSpawner_impSpawner_imp_respawnSpawner_Leech_caveSpawner_Location_EliteSpawner_Location_GreydwarfSpawner_Location_ShamanSpawner_SkeletonSpawner_Skeleton_night_noarcherSpawner_Skeleton_poisonSpawner_Skeleton_respawn_30Spawner_StoneGolemSpawner_TrollSpawner_Wraith

Other Objects


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