More Call Of Duty: Warzone Bans Just Came Down For Cheaters

The studio behind Call of Duty: Warzone is taking aim at cheaters and jerks yet again. Raven Software has announced that it banned a new group of accounts on March 16.

The developer did not quantify the banwave in terms of the number of accounts that got booted, nor did the studio elaborate on the specific infractions. However, this is good news for players who want to have a more enjoyable experience in Warzone. And the bans won’t end there, as Raven said it has “more to come” in terms of future bans for cheaters and others who break the rules.

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Taking aim at cheaters in Warzone has been a constant battle for Raven. The studio announced earlier this year that it had already banned more than 300,000 accounts, with new ban waves coming through regularly.

With many millions of players, the developers of Warzone face a very difficult and ongoing task of weeding out bad actors from the battle royale game. With a game of that size and scale, some portion of the audience will be jerks who try to ruin the experience for others, and this has been and continues to be the case.

Activision is keeping busy trying to weed out jerks from Warzone and the company will continue to do so by implementing the following measures in the future:

Enhancements to internal anti-cheat softwareAdditional detection technologyAdding new resources dedicated to monitoring and enforcementRegular communication updates on progress; more two-way dialogueZero tolerance for cheat providersConsistent and timely bans

In other Warzone news, zombies are continuing to overrun the map, prompting ongoing speculation that Verdansk will get blown up in the rumored nuke event to reset things for the next season.

About Eddie Makuch

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