Epic Games has reportedly booted a Fortnite team from the ongoing Fortnite Champion Series (FNCS) tournament following a tweet from a teammate who had nasty things to say about Fortnite’s director, Donald Mustard.
The tweet, from player Wrigley, has been deleted, while the entire account has also been deactived. But Eurogamer spotted the tweet and reports that it said, “Like literally f**king k!ll your$elf @DonaldMustard.”
Teammate Dictate shared an email reportedly from Epic that spelled out what happened. It said that the team would be disqualified and removed from the FNCS effectively immediately due to a violation of the tournament rules. Specifically, Epic cited Section 8.1.2, which states, “Players must be respectful of other players, Event Administrators, spectators, and sponsors.”
Wrigley’s team was in last place at the time, but even finishing last would have made the team a good chunk of change. Wrigley’s teammates are trying to appeal, and they also wondered why Epic didn’t allow them to swap someone else in for Wrigley.
There are four FNCS seasons for the 2021 series, reach featuring a $3 million prize pool, for a total of $12 million across the four seasons. There will also be mid-year and end-of-year tournaments where the top players from each region will compete for a further $8 million in prize money.
It should be a big week for Fortnite, as Chapter 2 Season 6 is scheduled to begin on March 16 with the Zero Crisis Finale single-player event.