PAX Australia Returns In 2021 With COVID-19 Cases On The Decline

After cancelling 2020’s show due to the pandemic, PAX Australia is back on for 2021. The organizers have announced that the event will take place at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Center this October 8-10.

Due to the pandemic, this won’t be the same PAX as you may remember it. The organizers said they are taking “all necessary precautions for public health,” and this will include following national and local health guidelines that are in place in October.

While that information is still up in the air, PAX Aus will only sell a “limited” number of tickets to the show due to the current capacity restrictions in place at the site. However, the organizers said they are hopeful that conditions continue to improve in Melbourne and that they can sell more tickets before the show.

Refunds will be available for those who buy a ticket now but cannot attend in October due to any new health and safety measures that could be implemented by show time.

Melbourne, and the rest of Australia’s major cities, have done a stand-out job in their efforts to slow and stop the spread of COVID-19. Australia overall has had fewer than 30,000 cases and under 1,000 deaths related to the virus.

Melbourne, the host city of PAX Aus, reported zero new cases on March 10.

PAX Aus isn’t the first PAX event in 2021 to hold a live event. PAX West is scheduled for September 3-6 in Seattle, and it will be followed up by PAX East which runs June 3-6 in Boston. Those shows are scheduled to go forward as live, in-person events, pending any rules and regulations around the pandemic that might come up.

About Eddie Makuch

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