Destiny 2 Harbinger Paracausal Feather Locations – Week 1 (Feb 9-16)

The Season of the Hunt may be over, but Destiny 2‘s tough Exotic mission, Harbinger, is still available in the game. In addition to fighting through some tough battles, you can also hunt through the mission for Paracausal Feathers to complete the Bird of Prey mission. Their locations rotate each week, but fortunately for you, we’ve scoured the EDZ’s Reservoir and located all five of this week’s feathers. You’ll find them all in the guide below.

Completing Harbinger earns you fresh rolls of the powerful Exotic hand cannon Hawkmoon, and if you complete Bird of Prey by earning 100 Paracausal Feathers, you can unlock a special Exotic ship called Radiant Accipiter. Don’t worry, though–you earn additional feathers by beating bosses in Harbinger, and finding the hidden feathers adds even more to your total. If you find them all this week, expect to finish Harbinger with around 37 feathers. Read on for the complete list of where to find this week’s feathers.

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Paracausal Feather 1: Catwalk Near The Taken Centurion Emissary

Once you’re in the Reservoir area, you’ll enter a big room with turbines, in which you’ll find each of Savathun’s three emissaries. Damage each one enough and it’ll flee deeper into the Reservoir, requiring you to hunt them down and eliminate them. You’ll find the Taken Centurion Emissary in a big blue room with catwalks running through it. Look for the feather on top of the catwalk in the center of the room.

Paracausal Feather 2: Cage Near The Taken Wizard Emissary

This one’s a bit tougher to find and very easy to miss. When you find and kill the Taken Wizard Emissary, take the exit out of the room that leads you down a ramp. When you enter the next room, which will contain Taken Goblins, look for a red light on the wall. This marks a switch you can interact with, which unlocks a chain-link cage across from the red light where the third feather is hidden.

Paracausal Feather 3: Cistern Near The Taken Captain Emissary

You’ll find the Taken Captain Emissary in a small room connected to a cylindrical cistern. Keep climbing in this room to a small quarter-circle catwalk way at the top, where the feather waits on top of a crate.

Paracausal Feather 4: Hallowed Rift

Your path through the jumping puzzle this week is a bit confusing, requiring you to stick to some very narrow ledges that wrap around the edges of the first room. Keep climbing until you reach a place where you can jump across to several gray pipes. Follow the path from there toward one big, rusted pipe with a Taken Hobgoblin guarding it. Kill it and follow the pipe to its end, then look up and to your left to a ledge where a Taken Acolyte waits. From that ledge, jump across to the rusted doors on the far side of a chasm. Head to your left through another door, which will lead you to a collapsed tunnel with train tracks. Take that tunnel to its end and jump down to the right to the ledge below, where the feather waits on a rock.

Paracausal Feather 5: Just Before The Boss

The final feather is waiting right outside the boss room. Stop right in front of the energy field blocking the boss room (you need to kill the Unstoppable Champion to remove it) and look for a ledge to the right that wraps around the rock wall, going around a corner. Follow that ledge to find the last feather at a dead-end that’s just out of sight.

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