Magic: The Gathering’s crossover with Bethesda’s Fallout franchise is on sale at Best Buy and Amazon. If you watched the Fallout show on Prime Video and are currently interested in all things Fallout, these cards are pretty darn cool.
Today-only deal (June 14) at Best Buy
Magic: The Gathering Fallout Commander Deck – Science! — $41.79 ($60)Magic: The Gathering Fallout Commander Deck – Scrappy Survivors — $48 ($60)Magic: The Gathering Fallout Commander Deck – Hail, Caesar — $45 ($60)
Magic: The Gathering – Fallout Commander Decks at Amazon
Magic: The Gathering x Fallout Commander Deck Bundle — $204.73 ($240)Magic: The Gathering Fallout Commander Deck – Science! — $41.79 ($60)Magic: The Gathering Fallout Commander Deck – Scrappy Survivors — $48 ($60)Magic: The Gathering Fallout Commander Deck – Hail, Caesar — $45 ($60)Magic: The Gathering Fallout Commander Deck – Mutant Menace — $60 See all Magic: The Gathering x Fallout decks
The four Commander Decks each have a different theme: Science, Hail Caesar, Scrappy Survivors, and Mutant Menace. The Science Commander Deck has received the largest discount, though you can also save on Scrappy Survivors and Hail, Caesar. A bundle including all four Commander Decks is available for around $35 off list price.
Each 100-card deck comes with a Collector Booster sample pack that contains two special alt-frame cards–including one Rare or Mythic-Rare card–10 double-sided tokens, one life-tracker, one strategy guide, and a deck box that can hold up to 100 sleeved cards. Basically, everything you need to start playing Magic: The Gathering is included in a single Commander Deck.
For more of these Magic: The Gathering collaborations that have quickly become a big hit with players, you can check out the Doctor Who crossover bundles which offer some terrific timey-wimey artwork from the beloved sci-fi series.
Magic: The Gathering will return to the world of video games this summer with an Assassin’s Creed crossover. Preorders for the Assassin’s Creed MTG cards are available now at Amazon.
Fallout fans should check out all of the official merch at Amazon:
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