Where Is Xur Today? (April 26-30) Destiny 2 Exotic Items And Xur Location Guide

As The Final Shape draws closer, things are heating up in Destiny 2. This week’s Final Shape trailer teased a strange and reflective journey inside the Pale Heart of the Traveler, one that will see the culmination of a decade of storytelling in Destiny 2. But before that expansion arrives, you can pay a visit to Xur to stock up on new Exotics and legendary-class gear. Here’s where Xur is this week and what he has for sale.

This week you can find Xur in The Tower, inside the Hangar. For his weapon, Xur is offering Lord of Wolves. Hunters can pick up the Knucklehead Radar helmet; Titans can grab the Eternal Warrior helmet; and Warlocks can buy the Ophidian Aspect gauntlets.

Xur Location

Spawn in using the Courtyard transmat zone in the Tower to find Xur this week. Head left and down the stairs to enter the Hangar section, then hang another left. Make your way to the north end of the area and look for a staircase that will take you onto a catwalk, where Xur is waiting.

Xur Exotic and Legendary Items

Exotic Engram – 97 Legendary ShardsLord of Wolves – 29 Legendary ShardsKnucklehead Radar – 23 Legendary ShardsEternal Warrior – 23 Legendary ShardsOphidian Aspect – 23 Legendary ShardsHawkmoon – 200 Legendary Shards, 125,000 Glimmer, 1 Ascendant Shard, 1 Exotic CipherXenology quest – FreeLegendary weapons and armor – 50 Legendary Shards, 1,000 Glimmer

Exotic Armor

Knucklehead Radar (Exotic Hunter helmet)

With recent changes to the sandbox in Destiny 2, Knucklehead Radar has received a bit of a buff. It’s a solid option for PvP play thanks to the fact that it maintains your radar even while you’re aiming down the sights, giving you a lot more situational awareness about people who might be sneaking up on you. The helmet also marks targets and gives you a damage boost to those with low health, making it a little easier to finish fights.

Mobility: 19Resilience: 11Recovery: 2Discipline: 10Intellect: 6Strength: 16Total: 64

Eternal Warrior (Titan Exotic helmet)

Consider Eternal Warrior with your Titan Arc builds, particularly if you’re pairing lots of Arc weapons with your abilities. You get a damage bonus to your Arc guns that increases with each Arc final blow you land, and you also get an overshield for your Fists of Havoc Super, making it easier to dish out a ton of devastation.

Mobility: 6Resilience: 12Recovery: 14Discipline: 2Intellect: 20Strength: 11Total: 65

Ophidian Aspect (Warlock Exotic gauntlets)

Ophidian Aspect is a beloved PvP Exotic for Warlocks. The effect is simple: You ready and reload your weapons much more quickly than normal. That makes it a great all-around workhorse for taking down other Guardians, regardless of the build you’re running.

Mobility: 15Resilience: 6Recovery: 11Discipline: 17Intellect: 10Strength: 6Total: 65

Exotic Weapons

Lord of Wolves (Exotic shotgun)

Though it’s been nerfed to downgrade its devastating power, Lord of Wolves is still a lot of fun to use. It’s a shotgun that feels like a pulse rifle thanks to its two firing modes. The first shoots a blast of hot shrapnel like a normal shotgun, but switching to Release the Wolves mode lets go of a burst of shots that can be ridiculous at close ranges. You can’t quite melt Guardians in the Crucible with it like you used to, but it’ll still dish out quite a bit of punishment.

Shrapnel LauncherChambered CompensatorExtended MagRelease the WolvesComposite Stock

Hawkmoon (Exotic hand cannon)

Rangefinder is generally the go-to perk for Hawkmoon, and Xur’s version this week is a solid offering. The extra range will serve you well in the Crucible, although Combat Grip isn’t the preferred grip for Hawkmoon when you could have the added stability of Smooth Grip.

Paracausal ShotHammer-Forged RiflingAlloy MagazineRangefinderCombat Grip

Titan Type Mobility Resilience Recovery Discipline Intelligence Strength Total
Lost Pacific Gauntlets Titan Gauntlets 10 2 22 23 7 2 66
Lost Pacific Plate Titan Chest Armor 22 10 2 17 2 14 67
Lost Pacific Mark Titan Mark 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lost Pacific Helm Titan Helmet 10 10 10 12 18 2 62
Lost Pacific Greaves Titan Leg Armor 22 2 10 17 14 2 67
Warlock Type
Lost Pacific Gloves Warlock Gauntlets 10 15 7 2 2 28 64
Lost Pacific Robes Warlock Chest Armor 24 7 2 18 7 7 65
Lost Pacific Bond Warlock Bond 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lost Pacific Helmet Warlock Helmet 12 16 14 7 23 2 64
Lost Pacific Boots Warlock Leg Armor 2 18 10 12 2 20 64
Hunter Type
Lost Pacific Grips Hunter Gauntlets 17 2 14 18 2 10 63
Lost Pacific Vest Hunter Chest Armor 2 18 10 2 16 16 64
Lost Pacific Cape Hunter Cloak 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lost Pacific Mask Hunter Helmet 6 23 2 12 10 11 64
Lost Pacific Strides Hunter Leg Armor 10 2 19 2 28 2 63

Legendary Weapons

True Prophecy Kinetic Hand Cannon Truesight HCS / Hitmark HCS Appended Mag / Steady Rounds Grave Robber Rampage Tier 2: Reload
Chrome Rush Kinetic Auto Rifle Extended Barrel / Hammer-Forged Rifling Appended Mag / Alloy Magazine Feeding Frenzy Adrenaline Junky Tier 2: Reload
Chrysura Melo Energy Auto Rifle Corkscrew Rifling / Extended Barrel Accurized Rounds / Appended Mag Ensemble Demolitionist Tier 2: Range
Judgment of Kalgorath Energy Glaive Tempered Truss Rod / Auxiliary Reserves Light Mag / Accurized Rounds Immovable Object Surrounded Tier 2: Shield Duration
Ikelos_SR_V.1.0.3 Energy Sniper Rifle Chambered Compensator / Hammer-Forged Rifling Seraph Round / Appended Mag Moving Target High-Impact Reserves Tier 2: Stability
Seventh Seraph Saw Heavy Machine Gun Full Bore / Small Bore Alloy Magazine / Appended Mag Grave Robber Firing Line Tier 2: Reload
Interference VI Heavy Grenade Launcher Hard Launch / Smart Drift Control Proximity Grenades / Mini Frags Field Prep Swashbuckler Tier 2: Velocity

Xur is present every weekend in Destiny 2, starting with the daily reset at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET each Friday. His exact location is always a mystery when he first arrives, as he is not listed on the map, and for novice players, he can be easy to miss. However, there are a set number of locations where he takes up residence, including the Tower Hangar area, on Nessus in Watcher’s Grave, and in the Winding Cove area of the EDZ.

The Best (And Most Ridiculously Fun) Destiny 2 ExoticsSee More

About Phil Hornshaw

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