Rockstar Games is attempting to drive sign-ups to its GTA+ subscription service by adding more games to the catalog and introducing further subscriber benefits, including free copies of Bully and LA Noire. Rockstar Games has announced both LA Noire and Bully are joining the GTA+ catalog of games “later this year.”
Members can currently download games like Red Dead Redemption, GTA: The Trilogy – Definitive Edition, GTA: Chinatown Wars, and GTA: Liberty City Stories with their membership.
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The GTA+ games catalog is a “rotating” library, so it remains to be seen if any of the existing games will rotate out when LA Noire and Bully arrive later this year. GTA+ members get 20% off the purchase price of titles in the library if they decide to buy them outright.
In addition to free games, GTA+ includes access to The Vinewood Club inside GTA Online where they can choose from a rotating selection of premium cars at discounted rates. GTA+ subscribers also get 100 personal vehicle slots at The Vinewood Club Garage.
Additionally, now through August, every GTA+ subscriber will get an additional deposit of $1 million worth of GTA$ each month, alongside the standard monthly deposit of GTA$ 500,000.
Later this year, The Vinewood Club will add a Vehicle Workshop and an app available for in-game phones to help players use the club’s services more easily.
Finally, Rockstar teased that GTA+ members will be able to grab a “new bonus car” as part of their subscription when GTA Online’s next “big” update arrives this summer.
GTA+ memberships cost $6/month, and there is no multi-month or yearly package available.
Looking ahead, GTA 6 is in the works. It’s reportedly targeting a Fall 2025 release, but could slip to 2026. There is no word as of yet in regards to how GTA+ may or may not factor in to the new game.
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