There's Already A Dragon's Dogma 2 Mod That Circumvents Item Microtransactions

Dragon’s Dogma 2 has drawn controversy for its approach to microtransactions, allowing players to spend real money on items that allow fast travel, appearance changes, and character revival. Accordingly, some of the game’s most popular mods are designed to make all these items more readily and cheaply available in-game.

The items in question include Ferrystones and Portcrystals–which are used for fast travel–Wakestones–which can revive a fallen party member, the character-editing Art of Metamorphosis, and the Gaol Key, a literal get-out-of-jail-free card. All of these can be purchased as individual microtransactions for somewhere between $1 and $3 each.

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Capcom addressed the controversy in a post on its Steam page, pointing out that all the items in question are available in-game as well as through purchases. Most are intentionally rare, expensive, or are only available late in the game, however, so it’s not surprising modders are bumping up the items’ availability.

As picked up by IGN, a mod called Crazy’s Shop by Crazy Potato is one of the most popular Dragon’s Dogma 2 mods on Nexus Mods right now. The mod adds stock of Elite & Explorer Camp Kits, Wakestones, Rift Crystals, Ferrystones, and more to the shops in Vernworth. Another popular mod is Early N’ Cheap Art of Metamorphosis by SilverEzredes, which as the name suggests, adds the character-modifying item Art of Metamorphosis to some early-game shops with a more reasonable price. The two mods between them have over 50,000 downloads at the time of writing.

Another popular mod is Lennard Fonteijn’s Save Manager, designed to override the unusual way that Dragon’s Dogma handles game saves. By default, the game only has a single save slot, which means manual saves can and will be overwritten by autosaves. The mod automatically backs up your saves as you play, allowing you to go back and load in from any previous saves, as well as naming and organizing save files.

The mod also adds in the ability to create a new game, a feature strangely missing at launch in the base game of Dragon’s Dogma 2. After the missing feature was quickly picked up on by players, Capcom has said that the ability to create a new game will be added in a patch “in the near future.”

Dragon's Dogma 2 – Where To Find More PortcrystalsSee More

About Hayley Williams

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