Where Is Xur Today? (March 22-26) Destiny 2 Exotic Items And Xur Location Guide

With Destiny 2 getting its very own horde mode in the form of Onslaught next month, now might be a good time to stock up on some new gear. Fortunately, intergalactic arms dealer Xur has touched down and has brought with him a fresh stock of Exotic arms and armor. Here’s where you can find Xur this week and what he has for sale.

This week you can find Xur on Nessus, in The Watcher’s Grave. For his weapon, Xur is offering Prometheus Lens. Hunters can pick up Shinobu’s Vow gauntlets; Titans can grab the Stronghold arms; and Warlocks can buy the Promethium Spur leg armor.

Xur Location

Head to Nessus and use the Watcher’s Grave transmat zone to find Xur this week. When you arrive, hop on your sparrow and head north toward the exit of the area. Look for a big tree with pink moss on the right side of the area. Climb up onto its big, flat branch, where you can reach Xur.

Xur Exotic and Legendary Items

Exotic Engram – 97 Legendary ShardsPrometheus Lens – 29 Legendary ShardsStronghold – 23 Legendary ShardsShinobu’s Vow – 23 Legendary ShardsPromethium Spur – 23 Legendary ShardsHawkmoon – 200 Legendary Shards, 125,000 Glimmer, 1 Ascendant Shard, 1 Exotic CipherXenology quest – FreeLegendary weapons and armor – 50 Legendary Shards, 1,000 Glimmer

Exotic Armor

Shinobu’s Vow (Exotic Hunter gauntlets)

This is a very nice Exotic for PvP if you’re an explosives expert, as the New Tricks perk improves the Hunter Skip Grenade. You’ll also gain an additional Skip Grenade charge and when it damages enemies you’ll be refunded some energy for this ability. The stats on this roll are mostly balanced–especially the crucial discipline stat for grenade-users–but mobility and strength are very low so you’ll need to apply some armor mods to get them up to speed.

Mobility: 3Resilience: 12Recovery: 18Discipline: 18Intellect: 14Strength: 12Total: 2

Stronghold (Exotic Titan gauntlets)

Stronghold is the Exotic armor to have if you’re planning to specialize in swords. It maximizes guard stats on equipped swords, reduces damage when blocking with a sword, and rapidly damaging targets after blocking grants Restoration for a short period. A Solar-energy sword works very well with this Exotic this season, or you can apply it to this Strand build to increase your survivability. The stats on this roll are a little low, but they’re well-balanced between all categories and will require minimum armor mods to amplify the strength, mobility, and resilience needed to make the most of this Exotic.

Mobility: 14Resilience: 9Recovery: 10Discipline: 10Intellect: 10Strength: 12Total: 65

Promethium Spur (Exotic Warlock leg armor)

Promethium Spur shows up very rarely in Xur’s inventory, so grab this while you can if you don’t already have it. While Daybreak is active, defeating targets creates a healing and empowering rift at their location. Solar weapon final blows grant Rift energy and at an increased rate when standing in any Rift. Additionally, standing in any Rift when that subclass ability has full energy and landing final blows has a few other benefits to extend this armor’s perk. The stats on this piece are a bit all over the place, as it has high intellect and recovery, average strength and resilience, and low discipline. It should still be good if you’re prioritizing your Super and Rifts for battle.

Mobility: 7Resilience: 10Recovery: 15Discipline: 2Intellect: 23Strength: 7Total: 64

Exotic Weapons

Prometheus Lens (Exotic trace rifle)

Xur offered Prometheus Lens a few weeks ago, and in case you missed it, this is a very Solar-energy trace rifle to have this season. Alongside the seasonal artifact buffs, Prometheus Lens applies Scorch buffs the longer the beam is held on a target. It’s also great for clearing cannon fodder from a battlefield, as it partially refills its magazine from reserves every time you get a kill with it.

Prismatic InfernoChambered CompensatorProjection FuseFlame RefractionComposite Stock

Hawkmoon (Exotic hand cannon)

This is a pretty decent PvP-focused roll of Hawkmoon this week, as Opening Shot improves accuracy and range on the first shot of an attack.

Paracausal ShotArrowhead BrakeAlloy MagazineOpening ShotTextured Grip

Legendary Armor

Titan Type Mobility Resilience Recovery Discipline Intelligence Strength Total
Lost Pacific Gauntlets Titan Gauntlets 2 25 6 2 10 19 64
Lost Pacific Plate Titan Chest Armor 2 6 25 6 18 7 64
Lost Pacific Mark Titan Mark 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lost Pacific Helm Titan Helmet 15 10 6 10 10 12 63
Lost Pacific Greaves Titan Leg Armor 12 7 14 10 10 11 64
Warlock Type
Lost Pacific Gloves Warlock Gauntlets 16 16 2 7 16 10 67
Lost Pacific Robes Warlock Chest Armor 20 10 2 16 10 6 64
Lost Pacific Bond Warlock Bond 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lost Pacific Helmet Warlock Helmet 10 21 2 7 6 20 66
Lost Pacific Boots Warlock Leg Armor 2 15 16 12 2 19 66
Hunter Type
Lost Pacific Grips Hunter Gauntlets 15 10 6 6 12 16 65
Lost Pacific Vest Hunter Chest Armor 16 16 2 10 2 20 66
Lost Pacific Cape Hunter Cloak 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lost Pacific Mask Hunter Helmet 2 6 25 12 15 6 66
Lost Pacific Strides Hunter Leg Armor 2 6 25 20 2 11 66

Legendary Weapons

Royal Chase Energy Scout Rifle Fluted Barrel / Hammer-Forged Rifling Accurized Rounds / Alloy Magazine Grave Robber Thresh Tier 2: Reload Speed
Threaded Needle Heavy Linear Fusion Rifle Fluted Barrel / Full Bore Liquid Coils / Particle Repeater Killing Wind Demolitionist Tier 2: Reload Speed
Memory Interdict Heavy Grenade Launcher Quick Launch / Smart Drift Control Augmented Drum / High-Explosive Ordnance Impulse Amplifier Danger Zone Tier 2: Blast Radius
Vulpecula Kinetic Hand Cannon Arrowhead Brake / Polygonal Rifling Tactical Mag / Steady Rounds Outlaw Harmony Tier 2: Handling
Legal Action II Kinetic Pulse Rifle Chambered Compensator / Polygonal Rifling Alloy Magazine / Flared Magwell Heating Up Rampage Tier 2: Range
Without Remorse Energy Shotgun Smallbore / Corkscrew Rifling Assault Mag / Appended Mag Stats for All Elemental Capacitor Tier 2: Reload Speed
Path of Least Resistance Energy Trace Rifle Hammer-Forged Rifling / Smallbore Particle Repeater / Tactical Battery Hip-Fire Grip Tap the Trigger Tier 2: Handling

Xur is present every weekend in Destiny 2, starting with the daily reset at 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET each Friday. His exact location is always a mystery when he first arrives, as he is not listed on the map, and for novice players, he can be easy to miss. However, there are a set number of locations where he takes up residence, including the Tower Hangar area, on Nessus in Watcher’s Grave, and in the Winding Cove area of the EDZ.

The Best (And Most Ridiculously Fun) Destiny 2 ExoticsSee More

About Darryn Bonthuys

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