Major Update For Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Is Out Now

Spider-Man 2 version 1.002 has arrived, and it’s a big update, bringing the much-requested New Game Plus, among plenty of other upgrades and new content. Here’s everything that’s new.

Spider-Man 2’s New Game Plus will carry over your progression and add a bunch of new features to the game. Ultimate Levels increase the base game’s level cap, and playing through said levels will allow players to unlock new features including new story symbiote suit styles, exclusive golden looks for your gadgets, and a shared Suit Tech fusion slot. Trophy hunters will also be able to unlock one new trophy from playing through New Game Plus.

The base game has also had a heap of new features added–you can now replay any mission whenever you’d like, change the time of day at will, and customize your symbiote’s tendril color. Also added are some upgrades for photo mode, as well as four new suits–two Hellfire Gala-inspired suits that are included in the base game, and the Fly N’ Fresh suits available to purchase, with all proceeds going to the charity Gameheads. These suits will become available for free later down the track.

Version 1.002 also adds a whole lot of new accessibility features including audio descriptions, a screen reader, new subtitle options, and plenty more.

Insomniac notes that the major update comes in two parts, so players will have to make sure both updates are installed to access the new features. If it doesn’t automatically install, players can close the game and select “check for update” from the main menu.

Insomniac have also noted that the update may have introduced a bug that allows players access to a development menu in-game, which will be fixed in an upcoming hotfix. The studio has warned that playing around with this menu could result in saves and trophy progress being corrupted.

For more of the fixes, updates, and new features included in this update, check out the full patch notes below:

Version 1.002.000 Release Notes


New Game+ (NG+) Features

Ultimate Levels: Go beyond the base game level cap in NG+Note: Ultimate Levels are NOT tied to any difficultySymbiote Suit Styles: Unlock new story symbiote suit styles via Ultimate Level progressionGolden Gadget Styles: Upgrade your gadgets with exclusive Golden looksSuit Tech Fusion: Unlock both perks in a shared Suit Tech slotPlayStation Trophy Unlock a new trophy for completing the story in NG+

Additional Features

Mission Replay: Replay *that* mission (and many others) as much as you’d like nowTime of Day: Change the time of day in the post-game via ‘Gameplay’ settingsTendril Colors: Swap symbiote tendril color in the post-game via ‘Gameplay’ settingsPhoto Mode – Action Figure Mode: Scale down characters for photo opportunitiesPhoto Mode – Stickers: Decorate your photos with new stickersHellfire Gala Suits: Added two new suits inspired by the Hellfire Gala designsGameheads Fly N’ Fresh Suit Pack: Two new suits for Peter and Miles, plus Photo Mode content Available via purchase, official details here


Audio Descriptions: A narrator will describe key visuals and actions during cinematics Sub Option: Volume SliderScreen Reader: Audio narration relaying text across menus, tutorials, and control hints Sub Options: Volume Slider, Repeat Delay Time, Repeat Delay ScaleMono Audio: Combine all audio into a singular outputCaptions: Display captions for important in-game sounds during cinematics and some gameplay Sub options: Size, Color, Background Color, Background OpacityIn-World Text Translations: Enable text boxes to show translated in-world textHigh Contrast Outlines: Outline friendlies and enemies with specific High Contrast colors High Contrast Outlines FriendlyHigh Contrast Outlines EnemyHigh Contrast Presets: Access preset High Contrast settings for streamlined useCenter Dot Color: Adjust the color of the center dot on screenAim Arc Color: Adjust the color of the arc that displays during certain moments when aimingTarget Arc Color: Change the color of the arc indicator when throwing certain items on targetMotion Sensor Aiming: Aim using the DualSense Controller’s motion sensors Sub Options include: Calibration & SensitivityUI Holds: Switch UI holds to toggleTouch Pad in Combat: Disable the Touch Pad during combat to prevent accidental presses



General improvements to game stabilityAddressed global crashing and freezing issues that may occur during cutscenes and/or gameplayAddressed global visual issues that may occur during cutscenes and/or gameplayAddressed issues where hiding HUD would prevent the next mission from spawningAddressed issues where players wouldn’t be able to progress certain tutorials or sectionsAddressed an issue where Web Wings would automatically deploy if tutorials are set to offAddressed an issue where trick animations would reset during divesAddressed issues relating to incorrect player spawns after failing or restarting checkpointUpdated Webbed Suit texturesAddressed clipping and artifact issues with some suit lensesImproved deformation across several suitsVarious additional fixes across the game


Made several improvements and fixes to High Contrast settings Addressed visibility issues across several enemy types, attacks, puzzles, and interactable objectsAdded the pause menu option to skip Adaptive Trigger minigames, joining previously included features such as: Turning off Adaptive Triggers via PS5 console settings to automatically skips these puzzlesQTE Autocomplete can automatically skip these puzzlesMade improvements and fixes to Toggles Enabling Swing/Parkour toggle adds tap on/off functionality for Spider-Bot Jump JetsEnabling Swing/Parkour toggle adds functionality for MJ to navigate squeeze-throughs automaticallyToggle icons display properly when restarting the gameAddressed an issue where tutorials would interfere with Swing/Parkour toggle functionalityAddressed an issue where Swing/Parkour wouldn’t enable fast enough when sprinting as MJAddressed issues with Aim Mode toggle with MJ’s lureAddressed issues with Friendly Neighborhood Challenge Level Symbiote nests and tanker crimes can no longer be failedMade several improvements to Look at Waypoint across several missions in the gameAdded Point of Interest (POI) Audio Indicator This feature emits audio feedback ticking when Spider-Senses are used and there is a POI on the screen to aid in judging distance, height, and occlusionMade several improvements to DualSense haptics When the Haptics setting is set to Functional and the POI Audio Indicator is enabled, the system includes an additional haptic component for the waypoints.Added distinct haptics for Abilities and Gadgets ready with Functional Haptics turned onAdded hot/cold haptics when doing object navigations with Functional Haptics turned onAdded haptic feedback when interact prompt is on screenAdjusted haptics across different puzzles and combat scenarios in the gameToned down damage received haptic a bit.Selected Shortcuts now display in the first boot menuAdded the ability to enable Screen Reader in the first boot menu via Square button pressFixed resolution and other oddities when setting Button Prompt Size to LargestIf enabled, Auto-Heal can save the player from fall damage death if the player has a full Focus bar

About Hayley Williams

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