Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone‘s Season 2 Reloaded update is now officially confirmed for March 6, and a new blog from Activision details the major Zombies update, Space Marines skins inspired by the Warhammer 40,000 universe, and more.
Season 2 Reloaded adds two new DLC weapons to unlock with the SOA Subverter battle rifle and Soulrender melee weapon.
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Now Playing: Modern Warfare III – Official Season 2 Reloaded Zombies Reveal Trailer
This half of the season is also packed with events, starting with the Dune: Rule of Fate event from March 6-3, then the Warhammer 40,000: For the Emperor event from March 13-27, and lastly, the Vortex: Decay’s Realm event runs from March 27-April 3. In addition to the Warhammer 40,000 event, there will be shop bundles featuring operator skins themed around the franchise’s Space Marines.
On the Warzone side, Season 2 Reloaded adds the Research Vessel mobile POI to the Fortune’s Keep map, the new Bunker Buster killstreak, and the Portable Decontamination Station field upgrade.
Modern Warfare 3’s update includes a remastered version of Vanguard’s popular Das Haus map, plus two additional map variants for the zombie-themed Vortex multiplayer mode.
The update adds two new multiplayer game modes: Bounty and Juggermosh. Bounty is a mode that offers a spin on Team Deathmatch, which marks the player with the most kills from each team as a high-value target. Juggermosh is a third-person-perspective mode, where all players are suited up with juggernaut suits reskinned as Space Marines in a mix of Domination and Kill Confirmed game modes. Players will either spawn in with “Ultramar’s Vengeance” power armor or as a Blood Angels Space Marine in “Baal’s Wrath” power armor.
Season 2 Reloaded finally adds new content Zombies mode. The Reloaded update includes a new Dark Aether story act with a new anomaly to investigate, and a second Dark Aether Rift to unlock. Three new schematics are added with the Mags of Holding, keys for the Blood Burner bike, and the V-R11 Wonder Weapon. It also introduces the new warlord boss, Keres, who is described as a chemical warfare specialist.
This new update means this is the last chance to earn rewards in The Walking Dead: Fear the Living event, which ends on March 6 with the arrival of Season 2 Reloaded.
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