During the Rainbow Six Siege Six Invitational in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Ubisoft announced its next exclusive for the Netflix Games mobile platform. The game is Rainbow Six SMOL, and it offers a much different look at the Operators of R6 than fans are used to.
Rainbow Six SMOL is a isometric roguelite shooter where players will create a new recruit and use them to lead a group of Operators through different missions. Each Operator will have unique abilities–Sledge, for example, can bash obstacles with his hammer–and mission objectives range from defusing bombs to rescuing hostages.
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The game features five different game modes and 10 different enemy groups, which include standard soldiers with guns as well as dragons and demons. Also, as this is a roguelite, if the player’s recruit dies in any of these modes, they’ll have to start again with a new recruit.
This new Rainbow Six game joins Mighty Quest and Valiant Hearts among the Ubisoft franchises on the Netflix platform, with an Assassin’s Creed game also in the works. These are among the over 90 titles available to Netflix subscribers via the mobile app, with other recent additions including the Grand Theft Auto Trilogy, Dead Cells, and Football Manager 2024 Mobile.
Rainbow Six SMOL is out now on iOS and Android devices via Netflix. Interested players can search for the game in the mobile app, and then download it to their devices directly from there.