Call Of Duty: MW3 Zombies Scorcher Wonder Weapon Guide

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3‘s Zombies offers a large-scale extraction mode, and there is a brand-new Scorcher Wonder Weapon you’ll want to add to your arsenal. Here we highlight all the ways you can get your hands on this multi-functional Wonder Weapon.

The Scorcher explained

MW3 Zombies introduces the Scorcher Wonder Weapon. This new weapon has infinite ammo and is powerful for killing zombies, but the Scorcher can also be used as a mobility item to boost up and traverse the map. This mobility option feels similar to the Paralyzer Wonder Weapon found in Black Ops 2’s Buried map. The Scorcher can also be Pack-a-Punched to make it even more powerful, and here’s our full guide on how Pack-a-Punch works in MW3 Zombies.

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Mystery Box luck

First, this weapon is found at random in the Mystery Box. Just like traditional Zombies, the weapon rarity and chance of getting a Wonder Weapon seems to increase later in the match. You’ll want to build up a fair amount of points, and then you can try your luck with a few spins of the box.

Questline reward

The Mercenary Legacy questline has a high chance at rewarding you with the Scorcher. To start this three-step quest, you’ll need a Mercenary Stronghold keycard. These can be purchased at a Buy Station for 2,000 points, or you can clear out a mercenary camp (Marked as the triangle-shaped logo on your map) and loot the reward chest to get a free Mercenary Stronghold keycard.

Use the Mercenary Stronghold keycard on any Mercenary Stronghold marked on your map. Clear out all the enemies inside the building and look for a large safe. Interact with the safe to start drilling it open. Mercenary reinforcements will storm the building as soon as you start drilling, so be prepared to defend the area until the safe is open.

The item you want to grab from the safe is called the Fortress Keycard – Legacy. Take this to the mercenary fortress located at the Talanov Outpost in the upper portion of the map. Storming this fortress is a difficult task. There are attack choppers flying above and snipers posted outside, and the inside is filled with armored enemies and some are equipped with riot shields. The Fortress Keycard will give you access to the main building of the outpost, which is where you want to go and clear out all the enemies.

Make sure you have gear like a 3-plate vest, Pack-a-Punched weapons, and plenty of armor plates and ammo. Field upgrades like Healing Aura can be very helpful as well. You also don’t want to attempt this solo, so make sure you’re geared up with a team.

Clear out the building until you work your way up to a small room with an enemy labeled as Legacy. This elite-tier enemy puts up quite a fight, and they’re protected by trophy systems to block any equipment you throw. Take out this boss and the purple reward portal will spawn. This quest isn’t guaranteed to have the Scorcher, but there is a high chance of this reward.

Random reward drops

Lastly, you can try to score this Wonder Weapon through random rewards from completing contracts. You won’t get a reward of this quality in the low-threat zone. You’ll need to make your way into the high-threat zone to complete contracts for the chance at the Scorcher.

Going into the most dangerous area of the map sounds daunting, but this can be one of the best ways to be rewarded with the Scorcher, as this method actually gives you the “Scorcher Weapon Case” item. The difference here is that the case allows you to extract the item and store it in your player stash, allowing you to choose what match you want to start with the Scorcher in hand.

Trying these methods should hopefully have you blasting the new Scorcher Wonder Weapon in no time.

For more on Zombies, make sure to check out our guide on how weapon loadouts work. Here you can find all the field upgrades in Zombies, including the best picks for your matches. You can even make friends with a hellhound and earn a game achievement.

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About S.E. Doster

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