Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 releases with 24 new operators to unlock and use within the game at launch, which can be used across multiplayer and Zombies, and eventually Warzone. Here we list all your operator choices and how you can unlock them.
All MW3 operators
Modern Warfare 3 operators are divided into two different factions: SpecGru and KorTac. There will be a selection of mil-sim operators immediately available to you, others will be available to unlock with an in-game challenge, and some will require the purchase of a specific edition of the game.
These aren’t currently available for use in the existing Warzone game. MW3’s integration will arrive in Warzone with the first official season, which should be sometime in December.
Additionally, any operators you unlocked in Modern Warfare 2 will carry over to Modern Warfare 3 as part of Call of Duty’s new Carry Forward program. This lets you keep using Spawn, Nicki Minaj, Homelander, and any other operator you collected from last year’s game.
How to unlock all operators
Here’s a list of every MW3 Operator, their faction, and how to unlock them:
Ghost – Available with purchase of MW3 Vault EditionPrice – Available with purchase of MW3 Vault EditionBlueprint (Mil-Sim) – Immediately unlockedRocket (Mil-Sim) – Immediately unlockedByline – Unlocked by getting 3 operator hip fire kills with SMGs in a single MP matchBBQ – Unlocked by killing 3 operators affected by your tacticals in a single MP matchLockpick – PlayStation exclusive from preordering the MW3 Digital Standard or Vault EditionScorch – Unlocked by completing 3 contracts in a single Zombies matchRipper – Unlocked by getting 100 kills in a single Zombies matchJabber – Awarded for finishing the Danger Close campaign missionPathfinder – Awarded for finishing the Crash Site campaign missionJet – Unlocked by getting 5 operator kills with snipers in a single MP matchRiptide – Unlocked by getting 1 kill with a cruise missile in a MP match
Warden – Available with purchase of MW3 Vault EditionMakarov– Available with purchase of MW3 Vault EditionBlaze (Mil-Sim) – Immediately unlockedThirst (Mil-Sim) – Immediately unlockedAlpine – Unlocked by getting 3 operator kills while crouching in a single MP matchEnigma – Unlocked by getting 3 kills while aiming down sights in a single MP matchBantam – Unlocked by performing 1 finishing move in a multiplayer matchDoc – Awarded for finishing the Highrise campaign missionRaptor – Unlocked by getting 5 operator kills with frag grenades in a single MP matchCorso – Awarded for finishing the Reactor campaign missionSwagger – Unlocked by getting 10 kills with LMGs in a single MP match
Make sure to check out our multiplayer tips for Modern Warfare 3. Additionally, we have a guide on how to level up faster, including both player rank and weapon progression in Modern Warfare 3.