Anime fans will soon have a new avenue to play top anime video game hits, as Crunchyroll has announced the creation of Crunchyroll Game Vault. The new service will offer new and exclusive games on mobile devices to all Crunchyroll Mega and Ultimate members beginning today.
Crunchyroll Game Vault will add games to the service in waves, in a model similar to how Netflix Games operates in the Netflix app. The first wave includes five games, with three of them being exclusive to Crunchyroll’s service on mobile devices.
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Multiple games in the first wave of Game Vault offerings are hitting mobile devices for the first time. Among them is River City Girls–the old-school beat-’em-up from Arc System Works–and Wolfstride, an RPG which was previously only available on PC. Both games will be Crunchyroll Game Vault exclusives on mobile devices.
The full list of five games available in the Game Vault now are as follows:
Captain Velvet: The Jump+ DimensionsRiver City GirlsWolfstrideBehind the Frame: The Finest SceneryInbento
Crunchyroll Game Vault is available now on mobile devices to anyone with a Crunchyroll Mega or Ultimate subscription. The Crunchyroll Mega subscription costs $10 per month, while the Ultimate subscription is $15 per month.