CoD: Modern Warfare 3 Details How MW2 Camos Work, Plus First Look At Beautiful Mastery Camos

Unlocking camos is a big part of the Call of Duty grind, and a blog post details all the new camos you can work towards in Modern Warfare 3. This gives a first look at some beautiful new mastery camos, and it also provides more details about the camos that carry over from Modern Warfare 2. Here is everything you need to know about Modern Warfare 3’s new camo grind.

How MW2 camos work in MW3

Just like past titles, Modern Warfare 3 has two categories for camos you can unlock. These include the standard base camos and the coveted “mastery” completionist camos. Additionally, all of the weapon camos from Modern Warfare 2 will carry over to Modern Warfare 3 as part of Call of Duty’s new Carry Forward program, but there are limitations on how you can use the completionist camos.

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The standard “base” camos unlocked from either game can be used on both Modern Warfare 2 and Modern Warfare 3 weapons. However, Modern Warfare 3 mastery camos can only be used on MW3 weapons, and Modern Warfare 2’s mastery camos can only be used on MW2 weapons. This limitation also includes the brand-new MW2 Zombies mastery camos detailed below.

MW3 camo types

Base camos

Base camos are the first camos you unlock in Call of Duty. There are 18 different sets of these camos available, which you unlock by playing multiplayer and Zombies with any given weapon from Modern Warfare 3.

As mentioned above, all camos transfer from Modern Warfare 2, and you can still finish any camo challenges you didn’t complete by playing Modern Warfare 3 with those specific Modern Warfare 2 weapons. Additionally, each set of Modern Warfare 2 camos has new variants, which you unlock by playing Zombies with MW2-specific weapons.

Completionist camos

Modern Warfare 3 introduces a total of 12 completionist camos to unlock. Just like past Call of Duty games, these are the beautiful camo designs that sucker you into completing all the camo challenges in the game. These camos are bundled in sets of four for multiplayer and Zombies.

For the new completionist multiplayer camos, the blog details the first look at the Gilded, Forged, Priceless, Interstellar mastery camos. You can get a glimpse of the gorgeous galaxy design of the Interstellar camo in the image below.

Zombies mode has two sets of unique completionist camo challenges. Modern Warfare 2 includes Golden Ivory, Spinel Husk, Arachnida, and Bioluminescent camos, while Modern Warfare 3 weapons unlock Golden Enigma, Zircon Scale, Serpentinite, and Borealis. These sets can be seen in the images below.

Modern Warfare 3 releases on November 10, with the campaign already in early access, and you can find our full review of the campaign here. Call of Duty continues to reveal tons of new information before launch, including Modern Warfare 3’s complete weapon list, details on a new way to unlock attachments, and Gunsmith changes.

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About S.E. Doster

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